Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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GatoDoKapeta in the post "Perspective struggles after the course: Where do I place the floor when drawing indoor environments?"

2023-03-17 17:02

Thank you so much for your fast and throughout reply! I really appreciate what you do in this community.

GatoDoKapeta in the post "I'm going insane with the ellipses in the 100 treasure chests challenge"

2022-01-01 18:43

Thank you for the answer, I read that in the lesson thats why I was thinking of switching to digital but in my case itd be only for cheating purposes, basically to use something like Lazy Nezumi and not have to worry about the ellipses so Im afraid it be like giving up on learning something Im not getting instead of just a switch in the tools. Anyway, have a happy new year!

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Can I use a compass for the ellipse to estimate the open lid in the 100 treasure chests challenge?"

2021-12-30 16:32

Oh got it, thank you :)

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Can I do the 100 treasure chests challenge and the 25 texture challenge at the same time?"

2021-12-30 13:45

Ok, thank you :)

GatoDoKapeta in the post "I don't get lesson 7's airplane demo?! I'd draw the ortographic view on one side and then extend it but it isn't what happens in this step, I don't get how the front of the plane is made, I'm very confused. I know it's my fault and not the demo's, I'm having a hard time with this lesson."

2021-12-18 21:50

Oh I get it now, thank you! This demo is still very very helpful because these devils sausages are so hard xD

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Can I place the vanishing points in the page in some lesson 7 drawings?"

2021-12-06 18:24

Thank you for the answer, Ill keep trying, I didnt struggle this hard with the course up until now

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Are the marks on the ellipse template the only possible minor axis? Explain question in the comments"

2021-12-05 18:07

Thank you so much, this is much more helpful than I could have asked for, I really appreciate how you spend your time answering this kind of stuff for free here. Ill try again with this method :)

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Are the marks on the ellipse template the only possible minor axis? Explain question in the comments"

2021-12-05 17:18

I still dont get how to apply all this to the truck demo I draw the plane to draw the ellipse inside, with one side open, then I draw an ellipse that tries to touch the corners of the plane (sometimes they get slightly smaller or bigger because of the jump in size of the template) and close it, but then the minor axis of said ellipse points to a place where I couldn't place another wheel and doesn't go to the vanishing point it should go (like huge difference from where it is going. If I try to position the ellipse in a way that its minor axis would point to a more correct place, it stops aligning the contact points vertically. I tried changing degrees but all of them had the same problem. so what do I do? How do I draw the other side of the cylinder? Im sure Im doing some kind of dumb misunderstanding but I read the lessons again and I still dont get it in practice

Trying to explain myself with a messy drawing

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Are the marks on the ellipse template the only possible minor axis? Explain question in the comments"

2021-12-05 15:58

Oh sorry, that makes sense, Im still confused though. What about this? I traced the minor axis as indicated by the ruler, I was following the truck demo and I think I redid it 3 times now and I still cant get it right. I thought I was understanding things when I was free handing stuff but now with the ellipse template Im very confused.

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Are the marks on the ellipse template the only possible minor axis? Explain question in the comments"

2021-12-05 15:02

Its a shame I got to lesson 7 without fully understanding this, but my knowledge about minor axis is still kinda shaky. I understand minor axis as a line that cuts the ellipse in a half and goes to a vanishing point. So I think there could be other points in the ellipse that would cut it in a half besides the ones in the ruler, is it correct?

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Does anyone know any cheaper/free alternatives for Lazy Nezumi?"

2021-11-29 16:49

Oh, thank you! I thought this counted as drawabox related sorry

GatoDoKapeta in the post "25 Wheel Challenge: My ellipses guide is small"

2021-11-27 17:08

Yes, like even if I could buy anything regardless of money there woudn't be any master template that much different from this one avaiable here. And buying directly from a store in most cities is not even an option.

GatoDoKapeta in the post "25 Wheel Challenge: My ellipses guide is small"

2021-11-22 18:25

Thank you :) Im glad itll be useful, this was the closest to the one recommended in the website I could find in Brazil

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Ballpoint pen vs ruller: smeared lines, what do I do?"

2021-11-16 03:41

Thank you for the answer, I had never heard about rotoring pens before haha

GatoDoKapeta in the post "Ballpoint pen vs ruller: smeared lines, what do I do?"

2021-11-16 02:13

Thank you, Im always amazed by how you keep answering even the simpler questions yourself and fairly quickly :)