Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I'm going insane with the ellipses in the 100 treasure chests challenge


2022-01-01 16:11


I think this must be like my 10th post about ellipses but oh god I can't wrap my head around these bloody things. I have this ellipse master template, and I still don't know how to properly use it I guess, I follow the stepts of the construction for the treasure chest and then I can't seem to find an ellipse that fits, I made some diy ellipse templates as well but they didn't fix the problem. I'm thinking either I should freehand them, change to digital media or what my problem is. These are my chests so far, the ones I managed to kind of finish. And if the problem turns out to be the limitations of the ellipse templates, would it be better to freehand or switch to digital? If I go to digital media, can I color them to "compensate" the ammount of time saved? Thanks in advance and happy new year for anyone reading this!


2022-01-01 18:13

The lesson states here that you are allowed to work digitally for this challenge. Stick to the instructions. As they do not discuss the use of colour, it should not be used in your work for the challenge.


2022-01-01 18:43

Thank you for the answer, I read that in the lesson thats why I was thinking of switching to digital but in my case itd be only for cheating purposes, basically to use something like Lazy Nezumi and not have to worry about the ellipses so Im afraid it be like giving up on learning something Im not getting instead of just a switch in the tools. Anyway, have a happy new year!


2022-01-01 21:52

I mean, why not just draw them yourself?


2022-01-02 10:11

Well some things just take time. Ellipses are one of the harder to draw things, so accept that at first. The challenges aren't there to draw 100 perfect boxes. Rather You learn to perfect you drawings over volume. Compare your first ten ellipses with your last 10 ellipses and you will see a big difference.

Stay away from templates and such. You wan't to learn to draw a good ellipse with the swing of your hand, not with a template. Mistakes are part of the journey, this is what you cannot avoid.

Marshall Vandruff once cited o book of a study of clay pot makers. Group A was Making during the study 1 Pot. The assignment was to make out of one try the best pot they could do. The other group was meant to make as many pots as they can during the same time. Imagine, those pots really looked less then perfect.

So after the assignment, both groups were asked to now make the best pot they can . Can you guess who made the best one ? By far those who did many pots. Why ? Because our brain is not working or learning through perfection, but approximation value. Every error teaches you how to use your muscles and brain better. Keep the flow. Make many chest, make many mistakes and learn how to do really good ellipses along with it.

By the way the chests look pretty neat already. Not like a 3d animation, but very good still. give yourself some credits man.