Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Does anyone know any cheaper/free alternatives for Lazy Nezumi?


2021-11-29 16:35


Hey, I'm from Brazil so Lazy Nezumi is a bit expensive in BRL. I'm trying to apply drawabox principles to my 50% rule drawings and I don't know how I can "measure" ellipses in the way Lazy Nezumi does (I used their 14 days trial). I couldn't find an alternative until now. A gentleman that lives on a bay and wears an eyepatch gave me his Lazy Nezumi, but I coudn't make it work, it wasn't hooking to the windows.


2021-11-29 16:38

Unfortunately we do have to keep questions on this subreddit limited to those related to the drawabox lesson material. You might ask this on /r/learnart or, if they allow questions, /r/digitalpainting - but I wouldn't mention that last sentence.

In my own experience, I'm only familiar with LazyNezumi and Hej Stylus!, but the latter is specifically for mac. Not sure of any others.


2021-11-29 16:49

Oh, thank you! I thought this counted as drawabox related sorry