Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Can I do the 100 treasure chests challenge and the 25 texture challenge at the same time?


2021-12-30 11:43


They are the two missing things from drawabox to me, and the 25 texture challenge page says " I strongly encourage you to do it in parallel with the other drawabox lessons, completing it one row at a time. " So could I do like, 5 chests and 1 page of texture analyses a day?


2021-12-30 13:11

Yep, that would be entirely acceptable. The main thing I don't want is for students to try to complete the texture challenge all at once, as the time in between the attempts is valuable for processing what you're learning about capturing textural forms. When we grind through the challenge, we focus too much on just getting it done.


2021-12-30 13:45

Ok, thank you :)