Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I don't get lesson 7's airplane demo?! I'd draw the ortographic view on one side and then extend it but it isn't what happens in this step, I don't get how the front of the plane is made, I'm very confused. I know it's my fault and not the demo's, I'm having a hard time with this lesson.


2021-12-18 18:36



2021-12-18 20:35

In retrospect, it wasn't a particularly great demonstration - the ones you'll find in the informal demos section have some value to offer (in this case it's mostly the analysis of the plane's profile in the first few steps), but as they're done as part of a student's critique, they address primarily whatever specific issues they were running into, and may have cut corners or mistakes in areas where I wasn't really paying attention.

In this case, for example, I actually messed up the alignment of the tip of the plane's nose. It should have been placed at the center of that front plane, as determined by the crossing diagonals (which I emphasize here in blue).

Instead, it'd probably make the most sense here to use an approach similar to the computer mouse demo from Lesson 6, where you lay out those orthographic slices in 3D space, as shown here, then expand from there.

It's also worth mentioning that this demonstration lacks the level of precision seen in other demos like the Shelby Mustang demo, both because my focus was on something specific to the student's submission, and because this demonstration was done years ago. This is something that will be resolved in the coming months, as I'm working on an effort to update the content and bring everything more in line, ensuring that concepts emphasized in certain demos are present across all of them, and largely to eliminate the inconsistency that has come from the course being developed over the course of many years.


2021-12-18 21:50

Oh I get it now, thank you! This demo is still very very helpful because these devils sausages are so hard xD