Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Can I use a compass for the ellipse to estimate the open lid in the 100 treasure chests challenge?


2021-12-30 14:33


I have an ellipse guide but it is very small, could I use a compass in that part where you make a big ellipse to rotate the lid? I saw a guy's homework and his ellipses seemed like circles to me, so I thought about this.


2021-12-30 16:31

This would unfortunately only work for chests that are rotated so their side is facing the viewer head-on (or close to it), as that's where those ellipses would actually have a full degree of 90 (meaning a full circle). Outside of that orientation, it would no longer be accurate, and you'd be better off freehanding.


2021-12-30 16:32

Oh got it, thank you :)


2021-12-30 21:16

You could get ellipse guides if you want precise ellipses.