Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Whirly123 in the post "Rotating paper becomes a problem when drawing from reference"

2023-01-09 20:53

If it helps I feel you. Even when not drawing from reference (e.g. just drawing boxes) I struggle to see if the box looks right if I keep rotating the paper.

One thing you can do is ghost when the paper isn't rotated. Keep ghosting and imagining the line and then put a dot where you think the line should be (e.g dot at the start and end and maybe in the middle). Then when you rotate to draw, you are just completing the draftsmanship part. Then rotate it again to look again.

One advantage of this is it slows you down for observing things rather than rushing ahead without really looking at either the reference or the drawing. A lot of people talk about how important it is to look at the ref. I always feel I struggle with paying attention to my paper because I have always rushed too much.

Whirly123 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-12-29 18:40

Yeah I know. Long time no draw too! Need to get back to it!

Whirly123 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-12-29 12:52

I have a quick tip for this module and other ones when drawing nature from photoref. Most nature photography uses telephoto lenses which can flatten the image and reduce perspective. Since this is constructive drawing and you want to feel the 3d form when searching for image reference I recommend adding "Wide Angle Photography" to your search terms. Hope this is useful!

Whirly123 in the post "Lesson 14: Composition"

2015-06-07 08:34

For the study where you say the value you use it isn't the average value of the shape your draw but its darkest value is interesting. I have never heard that before and will keep it in mind for my next study.

Whirly123 in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-05-27 13:38

Here you go https://www.patreon.com/jparked?ty=h ... it is $100 every two weeks. Also going to be doing Noah's Artcamp with Titus Lunter. Going to be a crazy few weeks since I quit my job to go freelance!

Whirly123 in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-05-27 11:08

Just want to say that I am currently in John's mentorship!!! (separate group) Its so insanely good! There are only 5 of us and we meet for 5 hours every two weeks) John is a fantastic teacher. I have had one session so far.

Whirly123 in the post "Video: A demo regarding the organic forms from lesson 2"

2015-03-05 12:59

Hell yes! Cant wait for more videos :D

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-02-17 02:24

yup you are right I defiantly get lazy with my hatching! I need to be more mindful. Is that a go to continue to the next lesson?

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-02-16 20:54

http://imgur.com/a/zA1kt Tada! I included two "Fail Pages" trying and failing to draw sharks. For some reason I found them really hard. Also included a painting at the end because Giraffe are too awesome not to get more attention.

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: Rewriting Lessons"

2015-02-16 11:11

Just a thought, a little donate button on the new site probably wont turn anyone away!

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: Rewriting Lessons"

2015-02-15 10:11

Awesome news, Looking great so far!! I'm still having a lot of fun on the animals lesson, definitely improving way more than I did on my first run.

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-02-05 12:44

Thought I would make myself useful add something to /u/Uncomfortable 's fur comment. http://imgur.com/YHXhd0z Thats some fur notes from Peter Han I have saved. Basically you are putting fur everywhere in your focal point which makes it seem a bit noisy. Peter is restricting the detail the core shadow area and bits of the silhouette. Its a thing painters do, either restricting detail to the shadow side or light side (not both) so you can still see the shadow shapes that create form. Its something James Gurney has blogged about but I cant seem to find it.

With pen it makes sense to do it on the shadow side. Then you have area of detail and areas of rest.

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2015-02-02 22:19

Bloody hell I'm 28 and my writing looks like a 9 year olds and I keep miss spelling beetle. I need to learn architects script or something!

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2015-02-02 14:24

Done some more. Added them to the album. Hopefully they are getting better? Man bugs are sexy http://bug-tattoo.tattooimages.biz/images/gallery/tattoo-prayingmantisgrasshopperbeetletattoo.jpg You are right /u/ffflay 's bugs are super sexy!

Whirly123 in the post "Video: Portrait study timelapse by Mike Meth, a good friend of mine - focus on how he lays in the underlying structure of the face"

2015-01-29 16:55

Dont be silly its your place to critique everything! Your eyes are your biggest asset crit anything and everything! Also I agree Chris really doesn't get a good likeness from the ref in this one which is strange because he is usually excellent and getting one in a short amount of time. At least the video does show very well the technique of using the shadow shapes. Note that this method is even used techniques in the earlier classes on this subreddit. Here is a page of my old notes from Peter Han http://imgur.com/d5o3ATR

Whirly123 in the post "Video: Portrait study timelapse by Mike Meth, a good friend of mine - focus on how he lays in the underlying structure of the face"

2015-01-28 22:43

This is my preferred method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmQYFX8N7MU Seperating the shadow from the light. Its useful for all art in general and done even by environment artists like Eytan Zana and Nick Gindraux etc. Its part of how we see (light shapes and shadow shapes). After learning the breakdown of the head like how its layed out in the this subreddit I personally found doing this was the easiest to jump into.

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2015-01-26 22:54

I love insects! So I hate this! Because you have all these gorgeous designs and then they look rubbish when I draw them. Its like excitement then frustration then disappointment. I'm going to get good at this dam it! Anyway I have not finished yet even though I have done the right amount of pages because I want to do a lot more. I am however uploading now in case you had any advice or tips for me as I continue. Here we go http://imgur.com/a/QpnYT

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-01-02 18:13

Wow that was fast! Thanks for ellipse correction! Need to get that fixed! Happy new year Uncomfortable!

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-01-02 17:23

Finally! http://imgur.com/a/kgUej Plants are bloodey hard!!

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-11-26 21:39

Well you did make me do 250 cubes so I would hope so :P

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-11-26 16:05

Before moving onto Plants I did some more compound objects a bit different that before. Hopefully, although these are a little different since its just play, they show a bit more progress. http://imgur.com/a/6Z3PQ

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: What would you want out of a dedicated ArtFundamentals website?"

2014-11-22 18:21

You have a knack for teaching, your crits are always great. I would be up to be mentored by you or if I ever get good enough mentoring :)

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-22 00:16

"You should see the overall form, and then draw it as though that is exactly what you see. Not like it's a faint construction sketch."I have not heard it put that way. That's actually way helpful!!

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: What would you want out of a dedicated ArtFundamentals website?"

2014-11-22 00:00

Massive congrats on the job placement mate! :) Hopeing to be you next year! A google hangout with demos would be good.

Still hoping to make content by the way. Just need to get through the course!!

Loads of step by steps with different animals, plants, vehicles etc would be awesome too.

I really hope you get more people in on this. The teaching created by Norm Schureman, Peter Han and Patrick Ballesteros seems to have such incredible results with people. Its taught at Art Center, CDA and even FZD School (with Scott Robertson style perspective on top.) It really is Concept Art education gold.

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-11-21 23:51

Too true, ellipses are so dam hard! Going to try and do more intersections with cylinders as warm-ups as I move forward. Thanks by the way as I was so happy doing the dissections just with my line quality improvement and I have you to thank :)

Whirly123 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-11-21 17:51

Here is my submission for Lesson 2. http://imgur.com/a/PkEU8

Whirly123 in the post "Why do I recommend doing the exercises in ink vs digitally?"

2014-11-17 11:11

Being someone who has done this course digitally I can't endorse this message enough! Seriously guys stick to pen for a bit, whats the worst that can happen!

Whirly123 in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-11-11 16:59

I really like this idea. Both having to complete earlier classes to unlock and a separate site. Happy to help out in any way I can! My back ground is 3D but I can help with say video production if its a way you want to go. (Although understandably I haven't proved myself reliable, disappearing as soon as you introduced me!)

Whirly123 in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-11-11 16:36

I may have DIED and not yet realized! :D You have been doing great without me! I want to submit some content on environments since the mentorshop has given me a massive level up (see my blog www.whirlyart.blogspot.com for the finals!) but I am still working out how it would work but you are still doing without me. Going to be doing another mentorship with Anthony Jones in Jan and Feb so I may disappear again!

About the cubes being mainly equal at the beginning, I actually did that for a reason. Its way harder to draw a perfect equal cube in three quarter view but its really useful because you can measure with cubes because of the equal distance. Like some random car is about 2 x 5 x 4 so its nice to eyeball it. I started to change it up a bit because bloodey hell does it get boring!

Whirly123 in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-11-11 15:31

Im back! Really sorry /u/Uncomfortable!! After you went to the trouble of making me an approved poster I disappeared! I didn't realize the mentorship with Kalen would be so intense!

Any here is my 250 cube challenge!! I STILL have trouble not being messy. Its really disheartening. http://imgur.com/a/08Z9n

You can tell that after 203 I stopped for the mentorship class and went really bad after I started again. That's even after doing a few pages of really bad ones not included.

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: Lesson Topics and Resource Videos/Books"

2014-10-01 06:34

I really like this idea Jabberdoggy!

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: Lesson Topics and Resource Videos/Books"

2014-10-01 06:33

Oh hell yeah, forgot about that. James in definitely one of my favorite artists. How many classes would you recommend taking at once? I also forgot to mention I about to be mentored by Kalen Chock and Anthony Jones this week on Environments. Going to be great Im hoping.

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: Lesson Topics and Resource Videos/Books"

2014-09-30 12:36

Definitely going to study with Peter again. Kevin Chen also. My aim is to be an environment concept artist, although I'm pretty fickle and will want to jump around if I can (I'm actually a professional 3D artist at the moment and have been for about 4 years) so anything to get me to that concept art goal! Feel free to recommend though! :)

Whirly123 in the post "Announcement: Lesson Topics and Resource Videos/Books"

2014-09-29 13:21

Hey! Thanks for the cool introduction! I will definitely get onto doing some content soon. I'm currently on the 250 cubes at the moment and then I will get on it! :)

Also I should be going down to CDA for three months some time next year which is going to be awesome!