Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Rotating paper becomes a problem when drawing from reference


2023-01-09 13:06


Currently working on texture analysis and this is becoming a pain in the ass. I constantly have to rotate my paper, but then I have to also rotate my reference due to disorientation and it's becoming a hassle to have to do this constantly. I've tried just not rotating anything but then my lines just end up looking like shit.


2023-01-09 16:50

This suggests to me that you may still be focusing overmuch on drawing directly from observation, rather than observing your reference to identify the specific forms that are present, and one by one using that understanding to draw the shadows those forms would cast. I go into this in more detail here in these reminders.


2023-01-09 20:53

If it helps I feel you. Even when not drawing from reference (e.g. just drawing boxes) I struggle to see if the box looks right if I keep rotating the paper.

One thing you can do is ghost when the paper isn't rotated. Keep ghosting and imagining the line and then put a dot where you think the line should be (e.g dot at the start and end and maybe in the middle). Then when you rotate to draw, you are just completing the draftsmanship part. Then rotate it again to look again.

One advantage of this is it slows you down for observing things rather than rushing ahead without really looking at either the reference or the drawing. A lot of people talk about how important it is to look at the ref. I always feel I struggle with paying attention to my paper because I have always rushed too much.


2023-01-09 21:33

Why are you rotating the paper? Im guessing its either to see how it looks inverted or because you struggle to draw lines in certain orientations, so youre rotating it to make yourself more comfortable.

In either case, you shouldnt be doing that. If youre trying to see it inverted, take a picture and flip it. If its struggling with the lines, struggle through the lines. Youre not improving your motor skills if youre adjusting the orientation of the paper to make your hand more comfortable. The only way to improve is to keep doing the thing that makes you uncomfortable/you struggle with. Rotating can be kind of like a shortcut, but its really a detriment in the long run. If the lines are bad, keep doing them. Eventually they will improve.


2023-01-09 22:09

Why are you rotating the paper?

Because that's what you're instructed to do in this course.


2023-01-09 23:12

Oh, I guess I misunderstood the point of this subreddit. Its for a specific course?

Ill see myself out.


2023-01-09 22:20

Can do 5 min warm-up is drawing lines in every direction. Up to down, down to up, right to left, left to right, and in basic angles.

A little bit goes a long way for muscle control.

Do a clock pattern and you can see your weakest directions, and can give those a little extra attention. It improves quite quickly, esp if you do it 5 mins 2 or 3x per day