Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Announcement: Rewriting Lessons


2015-02-15 05:10


I've been putting this off for quite some time, and I didn't really want to do it right now, but reddit has forced my hand. Lesson 1's post recently hit an age of 6 months, and reddit automatically locked the thread. For a subreddit like this, that definitely gets in the way.

Now I could have simply posted the lesson again, which is more or less what I am doing, but I also took the opportunity to rewrite it. It wasn't long after I started this subreddit that I started to regret posting the lessons on imgur - where I could not edit any of the content to clarify and revise.

I've definitely learned a lot about the kinds of things people get confused over, so I've rewritten the first lesson. It's a goddamn lot longer now, which admittedly isn't a good thing, but I feel like compressing the lesson would leave out a lot of important information.

Also, while I'm gradually moving the lessons to a separate website, this is not what I was referring to when I mentioned a 'dedicated artfundamentals website' some time ago. This is merely to give me greater freedom in editing the content later on. Eventually I probably will move in the direction of a proper website, but when I do, I intend to develop it properly.


2015-02-15 07:49

Honestly, this is fantastic to me. I haven't picked up a pen for over a decade but I've always wanted to draw professionally and I'm tired of wasting time while I just keep getting older. After being directed here I looked into the Concept Design Academy but I really don't think I'm in a place in life where I can pay for schooling again and afford the LA rent. But the school itself looked absolutely what I'm looking for. Getting these lessons reposted now is like the perfect time for me.


2015-02-15 10:11

Awesome news, Looking great so far!! I'm still having a lot of fun on the animals lesson, definitely improving way more than I did on my first run.


2015-02-15 11:59

Great! Just started with your lessons so I can immediately benefit. Thanks!


2015-02-15 15:57

damn, what a coincidence! I just started the first lesson like 2 days ago and was wondering if I was too late for all this, but seems like I actually started at a perfect time!

I think it's great that you're doing this, seriously. I really needed something like this :)


2015-02-15 19:45

Thank you for all your hard work and time.

You're awesome - I love you.


2015-02-15 19:49

I love me too.


2015-02-16 05:39

its awesome to see your still putting so much work into this subreddit. I'm gonna get those people drawing lessons done I tell ya.


2015-02-16 11:11

Just a thought, a little donate button on the new site probably wont turn anyone away!


2015-02-16 16:57

Haha, yeah, I'm probably going to do that once I've got a couple lessons up there. Might also look into using patreon.


2015-02-16 11:32

This is amazing. What a great time to discover this subreddit. I finally have a use for that Bamboo tab that's been laying in my closet for over 2 years now. Thank you!


2015-02-16 16:55

I'm glad you're enthusiastic! Just one little thing though - if you're going to be submitting the homework for critique, you're required to do them traditionally with a felt tip pen. Here's the explanation as to why. Of course, if you're just doing the exercises on your own, you're free to do them however you please - but there's a lot of advantages to doing them in ink.


2015-02-16 17:21

Thanks for letting me know! I guess I'll bust out the old pen and paper and do this already.


2015-02-16 17:41

Keep to goo work.

Man, this is awesome.


2015-02-16 22:13

I really dig the new lesson layout! I think this has blossomed into something amazing and I fully support any sort of website you inevitably launch. Let me know if you want help with the website coding/backend of things I'd be happy to help.


2015-02-16 22:23

I should be good (I used to do this for a living) but I'll definitely keep it in mind! Thanks for the offer.


2015-02-17 13:37

What you are doing here is incredible. Going back and improving the lessons further is just above and beyond the call of duty, you are a legend. Thank you so so much.


2015-02-17 17:59

Bows with a flourish