Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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JukeDukeMM in the post "Is it allowed to use these gloves for the lessons? My hand keeps getting stuck on the paper when I dont use them."

2022-07-24 15:06

Of course

JukeDukeMM in the post "Looking for tips/advice to get through the insect lesson, cause I keep getting too creeped out"

2022-03-29 17:46

This lessons is kind of doing that already. We are trying to simplify these things and build them up with simple forms.

JukeDukeMM in the post "Looking for tips/advice to get through the insect lesson, cause I keep getting too creeped out"

2022-03-29 17:34

At the end of the day theyre just images. I found that looking at a specific image for a long time kind of made me numb to its creepines (i of crouse did choose less creepy ones in the first place). It is unfortunate if your energy is low when doing the lessons but we make do with what time we have.

Insects are very unique and theres huge inspiration to be gained from them as well. Learning to bare to look at them is very beneficial when you think about it.

JukeDukeMM in the post "Looking for tips/advice to get through the insect lesson, cause I keep getting too creeped out"

2022-03-29 16:19

You just gotta power through it. Find insects that you are able to look atleast a little bit. I got creeped out multiple times while looking at google images and searching for a bearable picture. It gets easier overtime.

Don't look at cartoony insects or skip the lesson.

JukeDukeMM in the post "Lesson 1 Critique? (digital)"

2022-03-01 15:26

Because the lessons ask you to ?

JukeDukeMM in the post "Lesson 1 Critique? (digital)"

2022-03-01 15:25

Because ink is recommended for the lessons

JukeDukeMM in the post "What medium are the lessons/exercises recommended for?"

2022-02-24 21:14

Always read the lesson notes first. They explain literally everything.

JukeDukeMM in the post "What do you do for warm up, and when does it become grinding?"

2022-02-13 06:49

If thats the case its just stupid advice since the warmups are a crucial part of the course.

JukeDukeMM in the post "What do you do for warm up, and when does it become grinding?"

2022-02-12 23:53

This was a question regarding drawabox warmups (this subreddit). Not warmups in general.

JukeDukeMM in the post "Going through the homeworks and had a question about amount of time spent"

2022-02-09 10:13

Just give the assignment as much time as it needs. Theres no "normal" time spent.

JukeDukeMM in the post "Concerning the 50% Rule"

2022-02-07 06:07

You're doing the course cause you want to improve right? So you have ideas but you just think you're not good enough to do them. Well do those and don't care if it goes badly.

JukeDukeMM in the post "Questions about 50% rule"

2022-01-29 10:17

I feel like everything asked here is answered in the website and the NEW video.