Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Going through the homeworks and had a question about amount of time spent


2022-02-09 01:55


Going through the homeworks right now and I'm averaging over an hour per assignment. I noticed on the rough perspective assignment that the student we work along with took almost 4 hours to complete the assignment in one sitting

Is this normal for all the assignments? The 250 box challenge obviously takes a couple of days but I'm not so sure if I'm doing it correctly if I'm taking so long or if I should be breaking it up into more digestible chunks


2022-02-09 10:13

Just give the assignment as much time as it needs. Theres no "normal" time spent.


2022-02-09 12:43

Focus on doing it right and devoting the time that takes. If you are real good with spatial awareness then you may bang out boxes that are pretty close to correct in very little time. The mistakes and corrections may be obvious when analyzing them.

If you are not as good then it will take longer to draw the boxes. longer to construct the lines to analyze them, and the mistakes may not always be clear. So every step of the process will take longer.

But you will likely get more out of the exercise than someone who is already good at it. For them, the exercise is just repetition of a skill they have. For you it might be building a handful of new skills.


2022-02-09 18:33

Just to clarify, the 250 box challenge most certainly takes more than a couple of days. Most people pacing themselves decently will do 5-10 boxes a day (which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, if you factor in ghosting every line, thinking through each one's orientation in relation to the other lines of the same set, applying the line extensions after each page to specifically identify where that room for improvement still lies, etc.) By that calculation, it's entirely normal to spend almost a month on the box challenge.

If the student you're mentioning is ScyllaStew, we have her put up videos of her work uncut and in realtime in order to give students a general idea of how one might work through the material and pace themselves, specifically so people don't feel that by spending a while on the work, they're somehow doing worse than people who rush.


2022-02-09 21:56

Ok, that answers my question. I'm still learning a lot so how much time I should spend on any single drawing was something I was getting concerned about


2022-02-09 22:12

Be careful that you dont burn yourself out. I for one did. I kind of have a completionist mind and felt like I couldnt allow myself to draw for fun until I completed the entire course. I would say to at your own comfortable pace. Dont stress. But focus on the given line. It took me about 2 years to complete the entire drawabox course. But it isnt a competition nor do you have to do the extra assignments. I suggest breakable chunks.


2022-02-13 16:45

mine took me 3 weeks, but that's with no job or kids to look after and doing 5 boxes in 45-60 minutes per page. I initially went into it thinking I would have them done in 2 weeks (as per the cool down) but it was really freeing to not be in the "fast as possible" mind set when I realised just how many hours are required. The more complicated boxes took me the longer side, but I would actually really encourage you to experiment with them. They take longer, but the end result is an exponentially better understanding of the concepts than you would if you drew a slightly different box 250 times.