Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Lesson 1 Critique? (digital)


2022-03-01 01:56



2022-03-01 07:18

Doing so much better than me


2022-03-01 08:00

no reason to compare yourself! I probably have a lot more years under my belt


2022-03-01 11:44

Hello! Can I be your accountability buddy. I been doing this course too and would be great for checking on each other.


2022-03-04 12:53

Can i join too ..i ´m on lesson 1 too ..we can make a group if you like:)


2022-03-04 13:37

I will pm you


2022-03-01 11:52

Which reasons? You don't have pen and paper?


2022-03-01 12:24

Why would you waste money on pen and paper if you have a digital solution.


2022-03-01 13:02

Because pen and paper cost 10 bucks and digital painting is way easier?


2022-03-01 17:21

digital is definitely not easier. The only thing that could make it easier is the undo button, which I don't let myself use.


2022-03-02 18:48

Imagine having that much control mad props to you, I'm married to the undo button


2022-03-01 21:53

I do the l lessons on paper and digital, and digital ist much Harder for me in regard of pen control.

Thats why I think its good to train on paper since you can check if the problem is the only your movement or also the interaction with the digital input medium.


2022-03-01 15:26

Because the lessons ask you to ?


2022-03-01 14:19

wait why do people here disapprove digital use


2022-03-01 15:25

Because ink is recommended for the lessons


2022-03-01 14:48

Im not an artist but the organic perspective looks really cool


2022-03-01 14:51

this is amazing omg


2022-03-01 17:44

Which software do you use?


2022-03-01 20:00



2022-03-01 18:07

Pen and paper dude. Follow the recommendations by the instructor. There is reason behind them A ream of paper and a pack of ink pens totals less than $4


2022-03-01 21:18

Uhm what? The cheapest I could find was 500 pieces of paper for 10$ and 3$ per pen hah, (which I bought a couple of) Probably worth it though, unless my stupid ass gives up drawing for the millionth time! The 50% rule is killing me hereeee


2022-03-01 23:33

It's a recommendation, it's no different than using a ballpoint pen instead of a fineliner


2022-03-01 18:24



2022-03-01 18:50

you guys realise not everyone wants to draw on 11 pages only to eventually throw them out right? digital also eliminates the environmental consequence


2022-03-01 19:58

The environmental consequence of building a computer/tablet is greater than a pad of paper


2022-03-01 21:49

You use computer longer and for more things, so... No


2022-03-02 18:18

To be clear I dont care if op uses a computer to do the lessons

you should consider the environmental impact of mining rare minerals and the fact that were terrible at recycling electronics. Also I would agree with you that a computer has more uses than a pad of paper, but that doesnt magically eliminate the environmental impact. Dont get me wrong, I love computers, i use computers every day for all kinds of things, Im not saying we shouldnt use computers. But we should be aware of their environmental impacts as well. Look up lifecycle analysis if youre interested on this topic.


2022-03-01 19:17


Pen and paper dude. Follow the recommendations by the instructor. There is reason behind them A ream of paper and a pack of ink pens totals less than $4


Which reasons? You don't have pen and paper?

The course makes certain recommendations, but students are allowed to make their own call. Sitting here berating them when they're asking for feedback on the work they actually did is not helpful. If anything, it is an act of self-indulgence, as we all know how pleasantly smug we can feel by lecturing people on their choices.

I prefer to think that our community is above that, and that we would act in the interest of helping people, or at least leaving them to their own devices should we not agree with their choices. It is entirely common for those deciding to work digitally not getting as much feedback, and that's fine - each individual has every right to choose how they're going to invest their time when offering it up for free. But this coming here, offering no actual feedback, and stepping on a soap box to offer only criticism of their choices is purely unacceptable, and you should feel at least a little ashamed of these comments.

For anyone else who is curious as to why we recommend the use of ink, you can read about it in this article.

/u/Ssnnooz, for what it's worth, I'm sorry that you got so many responses of that nature. As to your work, you're largely doing very well. The only thing you missed was this step of the rough perspective boxes, where we extend the "depth" lines of our boxes back in space to check where they actually hit the horizon line, and how far off that is from the vanishing point. Keep that in mind into the future, but you should be good to move onto the box challenge.


2022-03-01 20:55

i think its pretty good tbh. Im also doing the lessons digitally.


2022-03-01 21:54

What course or lesson is this? It looks really good tho


2022-03-02 18:09

It is Lesson 1 of Drawabox.


2022-03-02 18:30



2022-03-01 21:54

Your ghosted planes are still kinda wobbly, but the boxes are very good, so maybe thats already your progress