Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

What medium are the lessons/exercises recommended for?


2022-02-24 19:09


I know, that it would be best to start out with a pencil on plain paper and I plan on doing that, but I also need to practice digital art.

So my question would be, if the draw a box lessons are also suitable for digital practice.

If you have any advise on that issue, Id be very happy to know about it :)


2022-02-24 20:20

Drawabox is not a course that aims to teach you how to use a specific tool - rather, as explained in the first few sections of Lesson 0, it targets the development of specific skills. To that end, we specifically recommend our students work with ink on paper, as it reinforces the concepts we explore very effectively. You can read more about this in this article.


2022-02-24 20:34

The exercises will help you regardless of your preferred medium. But the lessons are meant for physical drawings. I think the instruction manual talks about this.


2022-02-24 21:02

I kinda didnt read the manual at first Now I didThanks for telling me tho


2022-02-24 21:14

Always read the lesson notes first. They explain literally everything.