Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
anchpop's Comments | Check out their posts instead

anchpop in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-10-31 18:59

For the arrows you can generally shade either side. Your brain can interpret either side as being "on top"

anchpop in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-26 23:50

Uncomfortable, even if you quit doing critiques right now, with all the ones you have already done and all the free lessons you've posted, you've made a massive positive impact on the drawing community. I've seen you recommended everywhere. And $3 a month for what I believe the be the best fundamental art education available online is such a ridiculous steal as it is I would hardly have believed it had I not been here for almost a year already.

A word of warning about the sister subreddit though, I don't think it's such a good idea. I've seen subreddits split too often, and usually both are worse off because of it (see /r/unity2D and /r/unity3D for example). Not to tell you how to run your sub, but have you considered sticking all the important posts for new viewers and letting people post (hopefully) relevant content in the main sub?

anchpop in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-08-17 20:37

Thanks a bundle! I'll be sure to keep this in mind when I'm doing my warmups

anchpop in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-08-16 22:52

Sorry this took so very long - here you go! I feel pretty good about my boxes, my biggest issue was with ones that were at a bit of an odd angle.

Also I'm really sorry about this, I did my edits in blue ink but my scanner is black and white apparently? I selected the "color" option and everything, but it made my blue lines very black looking. Also, it's a lot harder to draw good lines with a ballpoint, for me at least.

And thanks so much for making this course!

Edit: I wish I saw this before doing these!

anchpop in the post "During December, critiques will be limited to Patreon supporters (again). Free critiques will resume in January"

2015-12-16 02:37

Wow, you work fast! Okay, I've resubmitted

anchpop in the post "During December, critiques will be limited to Patreon supporters (again). Free critiques will resume in January"

2015-12-16 02:25

Ah yes, there were some last-minute touchups I wanted to make. Would you like me to resubmit soon or wait until the month is out? It makes no difference to me

anchpop in the post "During December, critiques will be limited to Patreon supporters (again). Free critiques will resume in January"

2015-12-16 01:19

Thanks! I found your site the other week and I've been doing the lessons every day since. Since I think I'll gain a lot of knowledge from your classes (I've done many in the past, online and in person and this is the first one that really clicked with me) I've started supporting your Patreon. Merry Christmas!