Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

During December, critiques will be limited to Patreon supporters (again). Free critiques will resume in January


2015-11-25 14:33


So, if you guys remember the situation back in August, we're having a repeat of that. Through the month of December, only homework submissions from Patreon supporters (those who have supported in November, or who pledge for December) will be accepted. Don't worry too much though - free critiques will resume come January 1st.

Honestly, I was considering doing this for some time. In order to keep doing this for as long as possible (one day it will stop and I will move onto other things), I've got to take breaks now and then, and I'm starting to feel the burnout looming overhead. The holiday season seems like a good time to recharge my batteries.

Unfortunately, when life thinks you're going to try and take some nice relaxing me-time, it likes to stuff its fat head into your business. For the past year, I've been renting a single room in a two bedroom apartment (initially with my landlord living in the other room). Halfway through the year, my landlord had to move out of town, and did not have the time to rent out the other room, so I've pretty much had the place to myself for the price of only one of the rooms. Now, in order to make renting the place out easier, I'm being kicked out. So, I'm going to be spending December finding a new place to live and moving all of my stuff. It's fair and legal, but still annoying. I'm a damn model tenant, and have put up with a lot of extra nonsense along the way.

Oh well. Anyway, I do not advocate rushing. That said, if you happen to have your homework done before the end of November, you may submit it and it will get critiqued - even if you submit at the last second. Come December 1st, that door closes.

As always, I will not close off critiques for those who support drawabox and /r/ArtFundamentals. It's just the free critiques that will be on hiatus for this coming month.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask them here.


2015-11-25 16:15

No questions just wishing you best of luck finding a new place quickly!


2015-11-25 16:32

Thanks, I appreciate that. I've had bad experiences with bugs in the past (specifically when learning the dynamic sketching stuff - I drew some life studies of dead bedbugs), so I reaaaally hope I don't end up with insect problems again.


2015-11-25 19:09

It's understandable that you would want to take a break :) I wish you great luck in finding a new place!


2015-11-25 19:24



2015-11-25 19:14

Good luck on finding your next home!


2015-11-25 19:24

I'm gonna need it!


2015-11-25 21:06

Gotta say, I feel so grateful for having found your courses! The lessons are great and your feedback is super helpful, I totally understand that you consider doing this only for a period of time and then go explore something else, and I'm happy that I found you early enough to receive your critiques - I hope to complete the whole course before you stop accepting more reviews :)



2015-11-25 22:03

I'm glad you feel that way! But to be fair, you are one of drawabox's biggest contributors as far as the patreon campaign goes. So a lot of people do owe their thanks to you in turn.


2015-11-26 05:23

Good luck on your house hunt! I'm in the same position actually, it sucks this close to holiday season. Are you able to throw us a link of your Patreon? I've got some spare cash (I always have huge amounts towards the end) and I'd like to support you for a few months while you look for a new place and get settled!


2015-11-26 10:30

You can support him by a monthly subscription or a donation via PayPal to irshad0karim@gmail.com. Both methods will get you access to some exclusive drawabox videos.


2015-11-26 13:40

Augh, that sucks. ): The holidays should be the time to relax and take it easy, and nothing is quite as different from that as having to find somewhere new to live. I hope you're able to find somewhere awesome and cheap soon!

Also, you can find the patreon campaign here.


2015-11-26 07:02

Good luck from me as well. It makes completely sense to tone everything else down while you have to look for a new place to live.

However you may continue, i hope you manage to avoid the burnout issue.

All the best,



2015-11-26 13:40



2015-11-26 14:54

Good luck with your accommodation problem. And I now it's a bit early but still have nice holidays as well and hopefully you'll be back with lots of energy in January. We'll be here waiting for you. :D


2015-11-26 15:21

I appreciate it!


2015-11-26 16:01

Gotta be careful about that burnout! Take care, good luck, stay safe, and stay warm.


2015-11-26 16:08



2015-11-27 20:33

Will supporters be exempt from the pen and paper only rule? I just bought a Surface Pro 4 and am looking to learn on that.


2015-11-27 20:40

Unfortunately not. It's true that part of that rule has to do with the wider range of media making it more difficult to critique the work, but an even greater reason for it is that people simply learn more effectively when working with ink.

I find that it's best to transition to digital once you've completed the same lesson traditionally, so that way you have a better understanding of what you should be expecting of yourself (in terms of patience, discipline, technique and results).


2015-11-28 19:04

When you return in January, will you be critiquing December work or will you start with Jan 1 and go on? I wish you good luck over the holidays.


2015-11-28 19:19

If I were to keep tracking work submitted in December, I'd end up having 200+ submissions to critique come January 1st, so that isn't feasible. So I'll start with work submitted in January and move forward from there.


2015-11-28 19:20

That makes sense.


2015-12-04 20:01

Hi thanks for the news about december still holding on still didn't get a scanner


2015-12-11 00:44

Good luck, drawabox is a excellent idea. I would contribute but im broke right now, you should expand the lessons in the future (Kickstarter!) or maybe copy Matt Kohr's Ctrl+Paint model (free lessons+longer paid ones) or do both


2015-12-16 01:19

Thanks! I found your site the other week and I've been doing the lessons every day since. Since I think I'll gain a lot of knowledge from your classes (I've done many in the past, online and in person and this is the first one that really clicked with me) I've started supporting your Patreon. Merry Christmas!


2015-12-16 02:02

Thanks for becoming a supporter! I noticed that you'd submitted your homework for lesson 1, but then deleted it - so I'm guessing you'll be submitting it again soon?


2015-12-16 02:25

Ah yes, there were some last-minute touchups I wanted to make. Would you like me to resubmit soon or wait until the month is out? It makes no difference to me


2015-12-16 02:28

Since you've pledged to the patreon campaign, you may as well take advantage of its perks - also, I did glance at your homework and there were some core issues I wanted to mention to you (and I was gonna have you redo some of it). It's probably best to submit now so I can give you a little direction. I generally do my critiques in the afternoons/evenings when I get off work, so if you submit now or some time tomorrow morning or early afternoon, you should get a critique tomorrow evening.


2015-12-16 02:37

Wow, you work fast! Okay, I've resubmitted


2015-12-16 13:34

When you say one day you will stop ... Do you have an estimate? I haven't had the time to start your course yet (I'm working an internship that ends this Friday) and have been looking forward to it since.

I'd totally pay for help if it comes to it later



2015-12-16 13:48

Honestly I don't. It depends a lot on how busy I get with other things, and how demanding things become here. I'd be more likely to just switch to patreon-only on a permanent basis though, rather than closing shop completely.


2015-12-28 18:07



2015-12-28 18:22

If you've got a question, go ahead and ask it. I'll still answer those!


2015-12-30 14:49



2015-12-30 17:39

There definitely are some pens, even from the same brand, that are duds. Both being duds seems like terrible luck, or that something else is wrong.

For comparison's sake, here's a few lines from one of mine. This pen definitely isn't new, though I'm not sure how old or used up it is - it's pretty much working as though it's fresh out of the package though.

Could you take a photo of some of the lines that are coming out of your pens?


2016-01-02 19:14



2016-01-02 19:16

That's pretty weird. I'd say #2 is workable, but #1 is definitely a total dud. Also, I didn't know the pens came on 0.6.

I'd recommend going back to the store - if you're able to buy them individually, usually they're sold in an area with a strip of paper where you can test them out before you buy them. I'd definitely recommend doing that.