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victoriarosie in the post "Show Us Your Progress!"

2015-08-07 07:05

So I haven't been drawing all that long, in fact, I found this subreddit only a few months after wanting to take art seriously. Before that I drew maybe a couple times a year. So it's safe to say I've been doing it for a year give or take a few months.

I could copy line work exactly if I took enough time, but was not good at translating actual photos into drawings, which is exactly what we're doing with your lessons. I was also absolute rubbish with any digital art and drawing from my mind. While your classes don't emphasize on those, the classes definitely got me to start drawing and I'm improving significantly. So my before photos will have some well drawn stuff specifically because I can copy lines so well, and some grabage from when I was just starting to draw from my mind (which I really wanted to do).

But here is my before, where I was either bad, or copying someone else's art line for line.

And here is more recent stuff of mine. I feel a lot better with digital art, I can draw from my mind and not always cringe at it, and when I do reference work, it's from real photos, I don't copy other people's art any more.

victoriarosie in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-06-09 00:47

So TIL about that patreon thing. I don't use it often. I bumped my pledge up. Hope it helps. :)

victoriarosie in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-06-08 05:02

So you have pretty much been doing this on your own. Drawabox is your baby and you love it, but you're also over thinking it. Just take a deep breath, we aren't going anywhere. I would also like to note, that you could definitely give yourself more credit. I don't even know if I'm missing anything here, but I can hardly tell what kind of quality work the students and teachers are producing from the patreon site. If I were to look at your site and theirs, yours still would have been my first pick just because of how direct it was.

I haven't even been posting all that often, originally because of lazieness, but now because I'm taking a full time cosmetology course. Still, I keep my subscription going because people like you change lives. It might sound dramatic, but its true. I've been really poor and really rich and the only thing that stayed constant in my life was art. It keeps me going. The classes these were based on go for like $700 each, and I know there are so many people who live for art but just cant afford it.

The fact that you give it for free is amazing. But, with that comes stress and limitations on your work. Is there any way you could set a higher max on patreon? I honestly would be willing to give $20 a month, and some people maybe even more. But the max you set for yourself is $10. I don't mind paying the extra money if it means that I'm helping cover the other people who can't. Never be afraid to ask for some extra help. With all that you're doing for your students, it would only be fair that we could give some more back.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2015-06-08 03:27

http://imgur.com/a/pHlne just took me 2 months :]

victoriarosie in the post "250 Box Challenge (#2)"

2015-04-09 07:31

I did the 250 box and cylinder challange and put them together, as you recommended. I numbered the boxes in order, but when I finished those up I did cylinders wayy out of order so it may be weird for viewing progress... didn't think about that til it was too late, sorry.

Annddd... looking at everyone else's submissions, mine is messy as hell.


victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2015-04-04 01:24


Edit: The photos are popping up sideways with RES but are upright on imgur.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2015-03-30 07:54

Finished the homework. I started inking in the work after pencil because it was too messy otherwise. I know pencil isn't encouraged for the hw but I had to for the last page. Everything else was feeling messy as hell.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-26 23:23

Your piggy tho.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-26 05:37

Yay I finished!

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-17 03:33

Lay ins.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-16 23:02

I'll get right on it.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-16 03:06

Here is what I have been working on today. It isn't complete but I was hoping you could give me some feedback because I know it could be better.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-03-11 21:50

"People are generally my weaker area" procedes to link me godly drawings of people


victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-03-11 21:14

Hey so this may be a strange request but do you mind submitting a few pages of sketches of faces you've done? I like tracing stuff because it helps me feel the way I should be drawing if you get me.

victoriarosie in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-08 22:54

Wow thank you for the detailed response. I had a feeling that was the approach I should be taking but it didn't hurt to ask. This class really is affecting the way I see things. My dad was messing around with a tupple ware container as I was working on cubes and perspective. I swear what I was thinking just left my mind as my brain started analyzing all the angles as he tossed it in the air with a rotating motion. It was strangely awesome! And skip animals? FUCK YES

victoriarosie in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-08 21:54

When you were taking the class and he had you go up to the chalkboard and draw, I am assuming you weren't using a reference. If that is the case, should I be going out of my way to do little bits of these studies without reference? one of my goals is to draw from my mind and I don't know if it's the kind of think you learn from experience or if it's something you have to go out of your way to practice as well.

victoriarosie in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-03-07 22:35

Annnnnd I just finished your last lesson ._.


Edit: how do I get flair?