Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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VenKitsune in the post "Any other traditional painters in here (oil, acrylic, pastels)? What do you do with your 50% rule?"

2022-10-05 19:08

It's in lesson 0. It says that 50% should be study, 50% should be drawing or painting for the hell of it, for fun, and to apply what you've learned.

VenKitsune in the post "Is 0.35mm fineliner ok to use for official critique?"

2022-09-22 11:40

A single pen is unlikely to last the whole course anyway. I'm on lesson 2 and I'm on my 2nd pen. You can still use the pen for some things like ghosting dots or even just normal drawings so it'd not like it'd go to waste.

VenKitsune in the post "What could i have done wrong?"

2022-06-13 15:54

The purposes of these exercises is not to produce perfect work. The purpose of these exercises is to prove you understand what to do and to learn from them. Learning comes easier when you make mistakes, which you will do, as doing everything perfectly won't teach you much if you don't have a direction in which to improve or have an explanation for why things aren't right. it's up to whoever is critiquing your completed lesson to point you mistakes and areas to improve upon, this is why comfy said to not self-critique. If you get it wrong, oh well, just continue, and whoever is critiquing your homework may request you do another page as a revision, giving you tips on how to improve it. Once you're done with lesson 1 you will take scaled down versions of these exercises and just spend 15 minutes before each dab session to use them as warmups; it is THEN that you will improve upon them and the concepts they attempt to teach over the coming weeks and months that you go through the lessons.

VenKitsune in the post "What could i have done wrong?"

2022-06-13 12:52

This isn't as bad as you think. In fact, many people including myself have far greater divergence when learning this stuff. To add on to what's already been said, It could be something as simple as the thickness of the line or a half millimeter misplacement of your ruler when drawing the line. When you're dealing in accurate and perfectly straight lines the imperfections add up like this. Ultimately, don't worry too much about it - unless you're going to be doing architectural diagrams then it's unlikely you'll ever use a ruler to draw boxes even for something like a building and even if you do these underlining boxes and construction lines become more of a guideline for an overlapping drawing than the actual drawing itself. Ultimately in actual drawings you will be estimating these lines and the 250 box challenge, which is what is suggested you do after lesson 1, is the exercise which will ultimately help you in beginning to try to learn how to estimate.