Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

What could i have done wrong?


2022-06-13 11:39



2022-06-13 12:23

Teeny tiny imperceptible mistakes will accumulate, and will manifest in the last corner you draw - which is generally the back corner. It is entirely normal, and nothing to worry about.

That said, for these kinds of things you want to look at the vanishing points - it's little discrepancies with the convergences that cause this sort of thing, but we're prone to focusing on the box itself, or the back corner specifically, as a sort of red herring.


2022-06-13 12:59

Hello, this is the full page. But I didn't finish it cuz of the 4th box below https://i.imgur.com/KWiN4Zv.jpeg


2022-06-13 12:52

This isn't as bad as you think. In fact, many people including myself have far greater divergence when learning this stuff. To add on to what's already been said, It could be something as simple as the thickness of the line or a half millimeter misplacement of your ruler when drawing the line. When you're dealing in accurate and perfectly straight lines the imperfections add up like this. Ultimately, don't worry too much about it - unless you're going to be doing architectural diagrams then it's unlikely you'll ever use a ruler to draw boxes even for something like a building and even if you do these underlining boxes and construction lines become more of a guideline for an overlapping drawing than the actual drawing itself. Ultimately in actual drawings you will be estimating these lines and the 250 box challenge, which is what is suggested you do after lesson 1, is the exercise which will ultimately help you in beginning to try to learn how to estimate.


2022-06-13 13:03

Hello, this is the full page (https://i.imgur.com/KWiN4Zv.jpeg) I didn't continue because the 4th box below seems like it was distorted cuz it was placed too high, i think


2022-06-13 15:54

The purposes of these exercises is not to produce perfect work. The purpose of these exercises is to prove you understand what to do and to learn from them. Learning comes easier when you make mistakes, which you will do, as doing everything perfectly won't teach you much if you don't have a direction in which to improve or have an explanation for why things aren't right. it's up to whoever is critiquing your completed lesson to point you mistakes and areas to improve upon, this is why comfy said to not self-critique. If you get it wrong, oh well, just continue, and whoever is critiquing your homework may request you do another page as a revision, giving you tips on how to improve it. Once you're done with lesson 1 you will take scaled down versions of these exercises and just spend 15 minutes before each dab session to use them as warmups; it is THEN that you will improve upon them and the concepts they attempt to teach over the coming weeks and months that you go through the lessons.


2022-06-13 21:42

Viewing your complete page, the person that pointed out your vertical lines are tilted is correct. There are other boxes where your verticals are not straight up. They are inclined. That's seems to be the issue that you find such a distortion. Keep it up you'll get it.


2022-06-13 21:46

As for the 4th box you mentioned. It's not distorted. It's just that the top plane is aligned exactly with the horizon, which means you'll only see a flat horizontal line for that plane. But the box is not wrong in any way.


2022-06-13 14:47

Make sure you watch your vertical lines. It seems like the only reason that one is off is that you made the bottom wider than the top. https://imgur.com/a/8B8ltdn


2022-06-14 10:39

This is the correct answer here OP. Ignore the other replies


2022-06-13 14:58

the front bottom left corner is off so the rear bottom left also got misaligned.


2022-06-13 15:10

Thats what I was seeing too

Just had a rando thought here but Im new here and a young 17 year old amateur seeing this post and trying to find the mistake here made me realize that other more experienced people who draw can probably find other mistakes somewhere easily to show how different people are in their art forms and styles and thinking, and in a way it does but seeing others who also notice just that one mistake only in a art piece makes me realize that a lot of us here probably think the same in terms of creativity and it makes me happy knowing that Ive grown to spot out mistakes like this

Anyway sorry for the random rant I feel very talkative today!


2022-06-13 18:38

Yeah I know what you mean dude!


2022-06-13 21:24

R G B for X Y Z...


2022-06-14 00:18

left corner


2022-06-14 06:41

Did you use a ruler??


2022-06-14 07:09

Color it.


2022-06-14 07:44


I encircled the part I got wrong to get feedback. What do you mean colored it


2022-06-14 07:32

I can see that your lines arent actually converging at the vanishing points. Look at the right side of the image, the spacing is all wonky. Try using smaller dots for your vanishing points, ideally they would be one dimensional.


Upon seeing the full drawing in another reply, I can see that you are drawing way too small, which amplifies inaccuracies in precision line work like this, you are using too big vanishing points (likely because of how small you are drawing) and you arent using a square to draw vertical lines of 90 degrees. In two point perspective, you want perfectly vertical edges.


2022-06-14 07:43

Oh, what do you mean by too small? I don't quite get it sorry


2022-06-14 07:48

The smaller you draw, the less room you have to line everything up. Based on the picture you shared of the full image, I can tell by the size of the pencil that you are drawing the whole exercise way too small. You can try turning a whole piece of paper on its side and try just one set of boxes on that page and the extra room will help line things up.

At the size you were drawing, just the width of one pencil line can throw off the spacing of your guidelines and also make it impossible to find your vanishing point to line up the rest of the guidelines.

As you can see by looking at your vanishing points, they have turned into dark triangles of marks that is impossible to line up with.


2022-06-14 07:50

I actually used a ball pen since it's like my 4th attempt. I wanted try in different pens to see and learn what I'm doing wrong. I'll start over again with my felt tip pen and take note of all the advice here


2022-06-14 07:52

Just remember that every try brings you closer to your goal and you will be fine :)


2022-06-14 11:38

There are multiple misalignments resulting to that, bottom plane is generally a bit wonky, easy enough fix