Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Is 0.35mm fineliner ok to use for official critique?


2022-09-21 18:02


When I bought my pens I only knew that I needed fineliners, but wasnt away they had to be a specific size. So I ended up with 0.35mm. I dont really want to buy more pens, so does it really make that much of a difference and will it be ok for official submission?


2022-09-21 18:07

Unfortunately the thinnest we're okay with is 0.4mm, as stated in here Lesson 0. We allow for a range instead of insisting upon 0.5mm or nothing, in part to allow for the fact that a nib of the same size may be more flexible in one brand than another causing some small variability, so there is certainly allowances baked in - but as such, it does mean that anything outside of the range is best kept for other drawing outside of this course.


2022-09-21 18:20

I liked using .3 on the boxes then doing to outline in .5 but depending on your camera and lighting, 0.3 is hard to see.


2022-09-22 11:40

A single pen is unlikely to last the whole course anyway. I'm on lesson 2 and I'm on my 2nd pen. You can still use the pen for some things like ghosting dots or even just normal drawings so it'd not like it'd go to waste.