Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects (new 30min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-08 10:57

Thank you for the critique but I have to say that I've done this before you add the new lesson content except for the last page!

i already reviewed the new content and even practiced drawing the Cintique demo but with pencil .

i only wanted to send those because i already done it & it's the last day , hoping i could use the new concepts in the assignment of the next lesson . i feel i have taken a lot of time in this lesson :(

any way i know you care a bout the quality rather than quantity .

I'll try my best ISA

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects (new 30min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-07 10:54

i would post this in reply to my first submission in L6 where you suggested redoing it but it's archived now , so here is the second try , i am still not satisfied about my work but i really understand the whole thing now & i know i just need more time & practice .. besides i have to catch the deadline right :)

anyway i'm excited about the next lessons not because they are easy but because i understand things better now , even if i did it wrong i can now define my mistakes.

as for the submissions , i have some lines that are a bit messy and in some cases- like the juice glasses ones - i draw the right side of the cup line ok then when trying to do the left one i mess up

another thing is the ellipses ... you know when i draw them carelessly they come out right but when i focus on the final try that should be sent to you it comes really ugly :( i think it's tension that makes me like that ... also i did the boxy drawers wrong 1st, so i redone it on the last page

sorry for too much talk, looking forward for your reply ..


ReDraw-mind in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2016-10-03 09:29

Thank you so much for your generous Reply ... I am optimistic about the coming lessons & i started now to see the whole picture of the drawing process & i feel it's really all about practicing more to be confident a bout what i can draw ... thanks to you i knew a bout different resources to even further my knowledge along with your invaluable guidance .

ReDraw-mind in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2016-10-02 20:48

And here is the 250 cylinders .. I hope i did it a bit fine although i know it can be better but this was done before you added the new demos .. i think after seeing the demo i can draw it even better . the only thing i feel i find a bit confusing is how i put the vanishing point & draw the minor axis directing to it .. should it be near or far from the drawn cylinder which is better especially when drawing complex objects that consists a cylinder like the one in Camera

ReDraw-mind in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-28 17:24

That's ok. i understand what you mean & in some way or another every thing has a price to be paid in this world so why don't the hard working people take it & there will be another one who can handle some free work until he comes to a point like where you are standing now .. i think

see you in the next work submission ISA

ReDraw-mind in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-28 14:11

well ..that's was expected & to be honest you deserve to care more for your health & strength so that your great capabilities continues to shine :)

i had replied on "the state of Union" post but it looks like you didn't see it .

any way after what i said there all i can add here is i'll find a way to participate in patron campaign to keep a smooth review for my submissions as i need to get further in lessons & don't wait much .

for me i have been doing both the 250 Box & cylinder challenges & then i'm redoing the L6 submission again which is almost done so i can't only submit one at a time .

and as always thank you 4 your efforts :)

ReDraw-mind in the post "State of the Union - September vacation, and dealing with the overwhelming number of homework submissions"

2016-09-16 23:20

Hello Irshad..how are you doing?

I don't have any new idea to add but i just wanted you to know how amazing ' Draw a box' is & how grateful I am .. i read many times & learned in many courses about believing in yourself & practicing really hard to gain any skill even if it is being a professional artist but it were all just theories .. the only thing that proved it true to me is joining your course..

i may be at the very beginning & I'm struggling a lot but behind all that i see me in progress . right !

I want you to know that i really understand that you are suffering with this overwhelming critiques but it's what it makes it so unique among other courses & artists ... we need your priceless critiques & sometimes we need it for free not because you don't deserve to be paid but because there are lots like me who live in countries where one dollar equals 12 of their local currency & their income is very low .

as i always say thank you is not enough . i'll pledge a donation as soon as i can

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2016-08-18 13:16

Hello there . i have to say i thought this lesson is going to be easy one for me but it came out quite tricky !

anyways i tried my best . i know some lines and perspective is a bit weak but i think i am improving with more practice as you already said before.

please find my assignment here

thank you isn't even enough :)

p.s: I just wanted to tell you that i started doing the 250 challenge as you suggested but i didn't finish it yet

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2016-08-06 18:30

Thank you so much . that's a relief :)

your words means a lot to me .

& regarding the 250 cylinder challenge , i don't remember but i guess i skipped it for the sake of doing some thing new ...

alright i'll do it , hopefully

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2016-08-06 16:23

hello again :) . I really want to thank you for bearing with me all that . then i need to reassure that i reviewed all your points more than once so . i think i'm getting better in understanding but i have so much fear of trying the constructive way as i disappoint my self a lot which makes me even stop drawing .. however i made some tries. here's the best of them

i have this issue that i'm a perfectionist & accepting less than that really takes a lot of struggling . so this drawing path i started 10 month ago kills me trying to be patient with myself .

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2016-07-17 18:56

i had the feeling that you will say that . but i can't argue either . i will give it another try

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2016-07-17 13:04

Hello Irshad i hope y're fine. i'm sorry this reply is coming so late . i had some issues that delayed the smooth continuation of the course . any way here i am struggling again with pen& ink drawing .please find it here . i'm having hard time with drawing faces & heads . as for drawing the camel head i couldn't at all draw it right till i followed a demo you previously made & still not coming out right . for the 2 foxes i tried so many to use the forms technique but it's not good like the last one which i used my observation to imitate .i know for sure that using the technique is the best but some times i found it very hard to use especially with animals like panda , koala & elephants .

i will continue trying although but i wish to move on to the next lesson at least for a change i had enough with animals for a while . thanks for your efforts & patience very much

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2016-04-02 11:58

Hello Irshad, this lesson took me so long to complete with lots of moments of frustration but as usual i forgot them at those other moments of feeling of achievement which are very few !

it makes me feel i really miss the colors :( . i know there is a lot of art that is done with pen & ink only but i didn't reach this point of artistic ability yet .

that's my submission some of them are really not as i hope it should be others are ok .

the thing i found is that when i draw carelessly of being good - mostly drawing from shoulder- it comes even better than when i focus so much to make it great .

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2016-02-22 10:10

Thank you again Irshad , I really understands what you're trying to point out .the problem is that i usually draw more than once in a separate paper until i find my self more aware of the form then i draw one finished drawing starting with basic lines , like i show you in one page of the new submission . i think with practice i would abandon this & put very confident lines from the first time which i already done in other drawing . & for the texture i struggle with it even after i saw the demo unfortunately . can i start in lesson 5 now like please :)

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2016-02-14 20:56

Hello again :) . here is my lesson 4 submission . I have to say that it was freaking to look at the details of the insects . really scary! but on the other hand i found that there are lots and lots of so amazingly beautiful & colorful insects oh my god how beautiful is this creation . anyway i hope i did okay with this lesson . thank you

ReDraw-mind in the post "An Ongoing Record of Homework Submissions"

2016-02-14 20:44

Hello Irshad, i just wanted to submit lesson 4 HW & i couldn't found a new thread for it as the old one is archived already so i don't know where to post my homework or i missed the new link ?!

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2016-02-01 14:00

Hello Irshad, i made 3 tries following your instructions which by the way i didn't ignore them at all the last time . i respect your rules and i know that you have a point . i think i must have more Patience to reach my goal . please find the link here . i also included the old drawing with it's reference Just to let you see my progress if there is any .

thank you

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2016-01-31 12:42

well... actually Irshad i used the pencil in doing the steps then i erased pencil lines & redraw only the fine lines with pen tip , that might the reason you can't see the steps applied . i will draw the one you sent but i kind of need some encouragement . tell me i did something good among all the drawings i sent . I know the sketching with pencil isn't what you recommended but i found my self having a mess of heavy black lines if i didn't sketch with pencil . sorry if that upsets you but the goal here is the final drawing to be good right! .anyway i 'll stop using pencil sketching if that's the only way i can get your help in critique

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2016-01-30 13:17

alright i did as you suggested, i used constructing as i could i hope i made a better drawings this time here it is i really appreciate your help . please tell me about the overall evaluation of my performance so far . Thanks :)

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2016-01-25 20:28

Oh , sorry for that , please check it now i re edited the link

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2016-01-23 17:53

Hello Irshad . hope you're fine. I must say that this lesson exercises have bitter sweet flavor as i felt so happy that i can now imitate the world around in a drawing but i didn't reach the satisfaction i wanted for a start , on the contrary i was disappointed of some of my drawings , i could study the object but i couldn't put in the details . my pen tip didn't help either it is thick & i couldn't make mid tones with it . also i couldn't draw the flower petals that turns around each other or turns around itself , i couldn't represent what is standing vertically from what is flat ,...etc .any way here it is lesson 3 tell me what to be done & please forgive my English . i'm not fluent enough in it

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-01-17 14:44

Thank you so much Irshad . Here's another page . i used your reference examples to learn more . hope to be marked complete now .

ReDraw-mind in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-01-14 18:43

Here is my lesson 2 assignment . i started it before the update , i liked the shark like drawing so i included it in the assignment . intersections are really hard , i practiced it many times but still couldn't make it clean & equilateral . i hope i can be better with time . appreciate your critique very much Irshad

ReDraw-mind in the post "With the start of a new year, comes the reopening of critiques and a bunch of updates to the website!"

2016-01-02 14:21

Welcome back Irshad :) .hope you enjoyed the holidays . wish you a happy new year ! . i only found you at the beginning of December so i have been waiting for a month to get your valuable critique . can't thank you enough for your sincere efforts