frankensteeen in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"
2015-05-30 22:22
I tried drawing the camera multiple times, but there was always something off about it. I think it was that the cylinders weren't aligned with the box correctly. My lines tend to come out messy, too, probably because I'm not too confident in my shapes.
But yeah, here is what I did. Thanks!
frankensteeen in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"
2015-04-26 05:56
Sorry, I'm confused. Do I do all the homework again, but with more lay-in focus?
frankensteeen in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"
2015-04-25 18:36
frankensteeen in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"
2015-04-02 21:43
Here is my insects homework! I'm having trouble getting the shadows to look right. I also struggled with getting the texture on the zebra spider, and it ended up looking dark and busy.
frankensteeen in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"
2015-03-29 08:14
Here's my homework for the plants!
I think I tried to add too much detail, and a lot of them ended up looking pretty busy. I tired to correct myself later on, but I don't know. I think I did okay.
frankensteeen in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"
2015-07-02 06:09
I had trouble with the proportion/perspective of things, especially in the beginning, since they were such big objects. They felt kind of tough to handle. Anyway, here's my homework. Thanks in advance!