Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Frequently Asked Questions: I compiled a bunch of questions I felt were being asked rather frequently, so read through this list before asking your own."

2017-02-07 09:26

Ooh bouy, well it's very much appreciated!

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Frequently Asked Questions: I compiled a bunch of questions I felt were being asked rather frequently, so read through this list before asking your own."

2017-02-06 20:48

Goddamn, nice work!

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2017-01-04 16:50

Cylinders. A bunch of old stuff that I went through with a red pen, along with a page of new cylinders at the end of the album.

Alignment of the ellipses remain an issue, and I tend to overshoot with the minor axis, among other things^TM.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-01-04 16:37

Hi again - I'm debating whether I should post this or not, since I did the challenge months ago. And for some reason, I didn't draw through the boxes back then, which may or may not have been mandatory?

Other than than that the boxes are just plain sloppy and so forth. I went through the pages with a red pen, and was kinda overwhelmed by the ^(lack of) quality.

There's a page of newer boxes at the end.

I know it's no big deal and that I probably shouldn't devote so much energy and rationalizing to a simple drill, but you're the one handing out shiny internet-trophies. I understand if this doesn't pass, though. Thanks for everything you do!

^(Also sorry for the wordy weird self-excusing stuff, including this, working on that. uh ill go now)

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-12-14 07:39

I think technically it's taken ne 8-9 months or so. As for the bike, it's insane.

I definitely noticed that stretching-thing, and I'm not entirely sure what happened - Did I overestimate the length? Underestimate how much the side curves inward? Is the angle between the front- and side planes of the box too obtuse (If that makes sense)?

I'm not sure how to word another thank you, so I'll just go ahead and thank you; So, so much. Your site and critiques turned out to be the ideal jumping-off point I needed to get into drawing, or rather learning to draw and the drawing habit. Suddenly the idea of studies and value and other million things I don't know, don't feel as paralyzingly scary anymore.

Anyway, I'm rambling. To keep me occupied until you revise the figure-drawing-section, I'm planning on checking out Ctrl+Paint and maybe just churning out some stuff for the boxes/cylinders-challenge. Just to get dat badge.

Thanks again, and have a good christmas or holiday or what have you!

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-12-13 13:39

Oh do I have a doozy for you to sift through, lesson 7. The newer drawings are towards the end of the album.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "25 Texture Challenge - fleshed out into an actual challenge for those of you struggling with how to render different materials"

2016-11-05 08:23

As always, thanks for the kind words! And go ahead and do that.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "25 Texture Challenge - fleshed out into an actual challenge for those of you struggling with how to render different materials"

2016-11-04 15:45

Oh boy, it's finally done. Pardon the picture quality, it took me several attempts with my ole' phone and a bed lamp.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects (new 30min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-16 20:15

Thank you! Bring a bucket.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects (new 30min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-16 14:30

oh god oh geez, here's my lesson 6. The first 8 pages are new. Apologies for the older work being riddled with red, I hadn't really planned on showing it here.

Proportions, perspective, alignment, consistency, sticking to the ortographic drawings while also drawing straight lines freehand... Hell is real.

Though I think it's getting easier. Especially the more and more I force myself to just stick to dividing the "big box" into as many smaller boxes as possible, before tackling any curves and whatnot.

I'm having immense problems with objects that have a more organic forms going on, like shoes, but I hope I'm heading in the right direction. I found myself carving out the sole as if it's lying flat on the ground, when really it's kind of arching down and then back up, so I think that threw me for a loop. And the way the overall form swells in and out... Oh boy.

I'll probably take a wee breather before tackling vehicles.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (new 50min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-05 05:34

Once again, thanks a bunch for taking time to give feedback and encouragement.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (new 50min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-04 14:28

Hi, lesson 5. The first four pages are new. I got very sloppy last time around, and I hope this kind of makes up for it - If not, just say the word.

Naturally I'm going to practice doing animals a lot more, without the pressure of presenting them here looming over me. I actually used a couple of days to "warm up", with a bunch of quick drawings of various animals, trying to apply what I learned from the lesson and focusing on construction. Then I noticed that I had hell of a problem with muzzles and the like, and did a 100 animal heads ^((Again, trying to focus on construction, boxy 3d form with planes and how it intersects with the cranium etc)). Still having a hard time with it though, as you can well see with the stag and squirrel. I guess it wouldn't hurt trying to do a couple animal constructions every day from now on, until it kinda feels easier?

As for fur, any tips for when it's very bushy? I found that overdoing with "tufts" gave a very straggly look, so I guess it's a matter of balancing that with simple, smooth outlines of the "core" of the form?

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-27 18:25

I'd like to jump on the bandwagon and just say thank you, so much. Don't have much else to contribute.

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-26 14:44

Hello, Lesson 4. The first six photos are recent drawings.

Some forms can get bit skewed and weird, and I can get a bit scratchy, shaky or too rigid for more complex shapes, or simply when I haven't planned things out enough. The way I apply contour curves definitely needs more work.

Also, I'm not sure if this is a non-issue, but I tend to draw the first main masses as "under" the carapace, which I then stack on top of the flesh - Do you think it would be best to gravitate away from this kind of thing, and try to keep the shapes enveloping the shell as well?

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-22 11:17

Thanks for useful and encouraging critique!

My hatching and just filling areas with ink and noise is a problem I've definitely noticed and tried to work on, trying to take the advice from your demos.

On not wanting to leave space blank, I keep catching myself doing something similar with line quality too - Just uniformly thickening it all over, not not wanting to leave any part of the silhouette "thin", and ending up with the same static line as before. Only thicker.

But it's a good thing to make mistakes, otherwise I'd have nothing to learn from, I guess. And that's a concept I'd never actually been able to really take to heart before starting your course or whatchamacallit; So thanks again, I'll be sure to repay you in some gross-ass bugs!

Fish_Face_Faeces in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-21 10:22

Here's my submission for lesson 3, with 6 new pages tagged on to try to make up for shortcomings I noticed myself. Like me not closing off forms, not always drawing through intersecting forms, looots of ink, general linework and such. Also I've kinda cluttered the pages with comments and reminders to myself like a mofo, which I'm working on dialing back.

As for the newer ones, I kinda feel like they fall a bit flat sometimes? Mostly with the water lily, where I got a bit sloppy and added contour lines a bit haphazardly. I think it mostly ties into my leaves, which I'm not super confident about yet. I think I'll just practice doing some pages of leaves, arrows and flat flowing forms in general. Also I think could have added another contour ellipse to that bulbous plant to mark the visible edge of the center form... I could go on and on, so I'll just stop myself here. And thanks!