Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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ArtfullyFelicity in the post "People who didn't have fun drawing bad stuff for the 50% rule, did you start to find drawing fun after you got good?"

2022-02-16 23:39

"Fun" was never mentioned really.

I'm also commenting so I can save some of these comments and come back to them :D

ArtfullyFelicity in the post "Going through the homeworks and had a question about amount of time spent"

2022-02-13 16:45

mine took me 3 weeks, but that's with no job or kids to look after and doing 5 boxes in 45-60 minutes per page. I initially went into it thinking I would have them done in 2 weeks (as per the cool down) but it was really freeing to not be in the "fast as possible" mind set when I realised just how many hours are required. The more complicated boxes took me the longer side, but I would actually really encourage you to experiment with them. They take longer, but the end result is an exponentially better understanding of the concepts than you would if you drew a slightly different box 250 times.

ArtfullyFelicity in the post "What do you do for warm up, and when does it become grinding?"

2022-02-13 16:27

I do mechanical practice, and avoid technical. By that I mean, actions like lines or ellipses or sausages, basic shapes that require precision movement without much actual thought or focus.

You have a finite amount of focus in a day, would suck to use them for a warm up.

Sometimes it's a good idea to go back to drawing a box with less emphasis on plotting them perfectly but more aligning the strong confident strokes with ghosted lines.

I ghost in all my warm ups.

I'll do enough to fill 10-15 minutes, however long I feel until I start hitting the mark consistently.

ArtfullyFelicity in the post "Doing the course digitally?"

2021-12-28 12:46

It's people giving their uninformed opinon as advice that irks me. It costs them nothing to say nothing and move on, but are they actually projecting and justifying their own choices to half ass the process?