Hello Ttomaz, I hope you are well,

If you were the best you wouldn't be doing those exercises :), but I am glad you did your best as you should have.

Starting with your lines.

In superimposed lines you fry both ends. It is normal to fry one end, but frying both, tells me that you don't prepare enough for each stroke. Remember to plan each stroke by positioning your pen on the start of your line, then confidently execute the stroke. Also I notice that you had a problem with arching lines, you can try to direct your shoulder a little in the opposite direction to your arching.

Moving to ghosted lines. You focus on accurate rather than confident and smooth lines. It is completely normal to miss our mark slighly. We want to take as much time as needed for our ghosting and then put our line confidently. If done well we get a smooth line. We may miss our mark a little as we aren't experienced with the process yet, but that's fine for now, we work here in levels as shown in diagram. That is by far your biggest weakness, we want our lines to be as straight as possible even by a cost a accuracity. Straight and smooth line is what we strive to gain from this lesson. Confidence is the key to success in those exercises, even in your fun drawings. Even if you want to have a "style" that uses wobbly lines, that's perfectly fine, but to break the rules you need to know them first.

Lastly in this section, ghosted planes. They are done without any major faults, except for your line work as you don't commit enough to lines as they wobble. Remember to be patient with ghosting and take as much time as needed for each line. Then when it feels right, confidently execute the line. Also keep in mind to use your shoulder with a locked wrist.

Moving onto ellipses.

Starting with tables of ellipses. You try to not overlap them, but some of them do. That's completely fine for now, but keep in mind that what we want to gain from this section is a habit of drawing through each of our ellipses and making them as smooth as we can. We ghost every ellipses with as much time as needed then we execute them with confidence. That is one of the core principles of every ellipses we want to draw in this section and carry over it to later lessons. Don't focus on accurate, wobbly ellipses. Execute your ellipses with a confidence built up by ghosting. Don't worry, if your initial ellipses are not accurate for now, as it takes a lot of time. Be patient with this skill.

Also I would discourage small ellipses in this exercise, as when we draw small we tend to use our wrist and that is completely opposite of what we want to learn and that is to use our shoulder and get used to its motions.

Next we have ellipses in ghosted planes. Keep in mind that the centre of the ellipse isn't the same as the centre of our plane. Ellipses have to be symmetrical and also have the same form regardless of where they are, the only thing you can change is how wide they are and in which position it is.

On funnels, you don't align ellipses to the minor axis. Remember that our ellipses should be cut by the center line in two symmetrical halves if that means you need to ignore the initial curves. Also the same tendency as before you focus on accurate ellipses over smooth ones.

Lastly in this lesson boxes.

This is the hardest section of this lesson, it is supposed to be challenging, "boss" of lesson one.

What I wrote about line work in the lines section.

I don't notice any major mistakes in this section, except that your rotated boxes are quite messy and it is caused by you overdoing your lineweight. This diagram shows a proper way of applying lineweight to our drawings. Additionally you are actually not rotating them, but rather skewing and translating over. When we rotate a box we also move its vanishing point, use this gif to understand how the rotation is correlated with the motion of the vanishing points.

In your organic perspective, you did a pretty good job. You overlap your boxes to strengthen the feel of depth in your drawing. You vary the sizes adequate to their position on how close they are to the viewer.


I could see that you did those exercises to your best, but I noticed a couple of problems and I would love to have them fixed as soon as possible. So I will assign 2 pages of ellipses in ghosted planes and 1 page of organic perspective. Confidence is one of the most important keys in this lesson. Be patient. Do those pages to the best of your ability. No less no more.

If you have any question feel free to ask me them here or on discord,

Have fun during your journey,