Hello I will be reviewing you work!

Lines: You did a good job making sure they're confident. They are all nice and straight. I do have to add that you practice longer lengths of ghosted lines once a while (like across a page), since they are all similar in length. But for the rest, these are looking good!

Ellipses: Very good ellipses overall, I have nothing to add, you did it well! I recommend you add these warmup routines before drawing, they're great for loosening up!

Boxes: great line mark making!

I dont have anything to add to most of these except for maybe one thing. Hatching, you've seemed to have forgotten to add hatching to the plotted perspectives as well as the rotated boxes. I do recommend you do them and add them in for yourself. Your linework has shown itself to be quite competent already and I dont feel it neccesary to repeat the exercise at all. You already have a good understanding of these exercises. Just remember to add hatching in the future if the exercise asks for it. It actually does help make your practice boxes look more clear and definitely make sure to add them into your 250 boxes challenge.

For the rotated boxes, the three rows in the center seem to not turn much, but i think thats because its hard to tell since the hatching isnt in there. If you look closely, the left quadrant has inconsistent gaps between. Pay attention to the negative space between your rotated boxes and you will see what I mean. Overall this isnt a bad attempt at all! I think you're definitely ready for the 250 boxes! Best of luck! I hope my feedback was helpful to you!