Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

1:41 AM, Sunday August 23rd 2020

Draw A Box - Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes - Album on Imgur

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First attempt at Lesson 1 homework. Started off pretty rough but I could feel the improvement by the end. Rotated boxes was fun!

3 users agree
5:03 PM, Sunday August 23rd 2020

Hey! Congratulations on finishing Lesson 1! Starting out is always difficult, but the feeling of seeing improvment is amazing, right? :)

Here are some points on your homeworks:

  • Superimposed lines, ghosted lines and ghosted planes went pretty well. I like that you didn't draw only "safe squares" on the ghosted planes, and went for some really distorted ones at the end;

  • On all ellipses exercises, it seems that you have drawn the ellipses 4 or 5 times each. Remeber that the lesson said 2-3 times, ideally 2. When you draw over it too much, it gets kinda hard to identify your trace. Most of the ellipses seem good, but there was some wobbly lines between the multiple traces going over them. Don't be afraid of sacrificing accuracy to get good lines on them!

  • Noticed some wobbly lines on the rough perspective, but overall was good. Again, don't be afraid of sacrificing accuracy!

  • On rotated boxes and organic perspective you did pretty good! The organic had some minor perspective issues, but this is normal considering the exercise's difficulty. You will improve it a lot during the 250 box challenge.

I'll mark it as complete, I think you did good enough on it! Just be careful about your ellipses to get a clean trace on them.

Next Steps:

You should proceed to the 250 box challenge, as it will improve your perspective! Remember to keep using these exercises as quick warm-ups (10-15min) before drawing. I would also suggest focusing a bit on the ellipses first when warming up, up to the point you feel confortable with them in only 2 traces over.

If you have the time, remember to review some of the community's homework. Not only you will be helping other students, but also improve your understanding of the concepts you learned!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
5:38 PM, Sunday August 23rd 2020

Thank you very much for your feedback!

I agree, I was quite surprised by the awkward feeling of drawing ellipses and I ended up overcompensating. I'll be aware of that and practice them more.

I'll also make more of an effort to focus on good lines over accuracy.

Thanks again for your feedback. I really appreciate it! :D

1 users agree
5:55 PM, Sunday August 23rd 2020

I will agree with FPMAZIERO so you can get complete, but you need to stop going over your lines multiple times (as you did in the Organic Perspective lesson). Accuracy will come later, just focus on creating confident lines right now.

Next Steps:

250 box challenge. Concentrate on making confident lines. It's ok if they aren't accurate right now.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
6:20 PM, Sunday August 23rd 2020

Thank you very much! I agree it's something I have had a problem letting go of, but I'll focus on confidence over accuracy.

Much appreciated :)

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