Hi Mintlune,

Great effort on this lesson. It looks like you are understanding this stuff pretty well for the most part and are learning as you go. I'll comment on each exercise for you in turn.

Arrows: These look pretty damn good. I think you got everything you needed to understand more or less on this one. I do think you could explore this a bit further with some more practice, with a eye towards imagining the space. For instance trying to make one that really redes into the background/pops out into the foreground in a dramatic way, or an arrow that seems to go back and forth in depth which each curve. But anyway, that's just some bonus work to improve your skills if you like. The one minor critique on these is that some of them seem pretty wobbly, so try to keep working on those confident lines.

Sausages (both kinds): these look nearly perfect to me, at least as far as I can tell. Good work.

Texture Study: Your top and bottom textures look pretty good. The middle one is a little rockier, but argueably a harder texutre to transition. On all of them I'd say you could improve your transition to cover the values range a bit more smoothly with some more practice. Something to consider, but I think you got the basic ideas on this one and are headed in the right direction.

Dissections: Some of your disections are pretty convincing others less so. This is a pretty tough exercise but is mostly just a matter of practice and really looking at what you are mimicing. Your transitions on these could be better too. But good effort on this one as well.

Intersections: Man, this was a really hard one. Congratulation on even muscling through it at all. It actually looks like you were starting to get it with the last page of them you did. I would recommend revisting the others and trying to darken in intersection lines. I'm not seeing that in the pages with just squares, even if you can't figure out where they go, just try do it for all of them and then sleep on it and try again and see if you start to get it better.

Organic Intersections: Looks like you get this one. I don't even mind that you got a bit creative with your second page, it's slightly different then what he asked us to do, but it seems like good practice and shows good understanding of how this stuff would look intersected.