Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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TheLaughingStoic in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-11-05 23:00

Hey there, completed this Lesson, onto cylinders!


TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2017-10-26 00:56

Thank you very much for the supportive feedback! I would agree that the fox was probably one of my weakest and i didn't put 100percent effort in that one. I might go back and try to remake that box again. I hope to get better on my line weight as I notice it does make the images seem very flat. But I'll do the box and cylinder section next and return to lesson 7 later.

Also it seems I didn't upload the hammer I drew. This was probably my most favourite, any thoughts?


TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2017-10-24 19:34


Hey there Uncomfortable! I think I'll pass this off to see what you think. I will be honest, this kicked my ass! I'll wait to see what your thoughts are, but I found this really difficult to perform freehand. I was thinking at first I would de extravagant objects, but I soon figured out I didn't know what I was doing and had to pick simpler things to draw. I feel my weakest one was the oil lamp I have there. After a few I started to get a hang of it but nowhere near what I imagined. Can't wait to hear what you have to say. Cheers!

TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-10-02 01:35

All done! https://imgur.com/gallery/JUFuQ

This lesson really gave me a lot troubles. Especially near the end, to be quite honest i feel like the hybrids put me through the blender. Any who, I can't wait to hear what you have to say! Cheers!

TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-08-23 05:04

Thanks, I'll definitely snatch those up. And hot damn I would definitely purchase whatever tier it is when you release them!

TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-08-23 04:59

Grandma approval seal unlocked! Thank you very much for taking the time to write out a thoughtful response. Hope all is well on your end and now I must go back into the cave to draw more. Thanks again man!

P.S. I was curious, is there any resource you can recommend for drawing from imagination or designs? Or is it simply, draw 100's of humans and tanks from different angles to draw cool looking humanoids and futuristic tanks? Because I find it difficult to draw from imagination, or have the motivation because I don't know how to spit up a concept. Might just be a fear thing, but just curious about your thoughts on this.

TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-08-22 23:45

Hey there, I'm back from my drawing cave to post this for you!


After looking at it for a while, and I think you'll pick up on this as well, I didn't quite draw through my forms on this section. Im curious is it needed in order to create the illusion of 3D? An interesting area that could be beneficial could be starting to working on line economy as I feel like I have the tendency to cover up messy lines. Also, looking ahead on some of the lessons and seeing the construction lines to create hard surface objects (ex. a tank) could really help with what I think I'm missing. It also feels as if I'm not fully comprehending perspective the way I should in my head in order to make believable objects and clean line work. I'm curious if we will touch on foreshortening any time soon or advance perspective as I am becoming aware that I'm still thinking in 2D when I draw and flatten things out. Any thoughts and advice? Or do I need to go back and reread what I forgot?

Thanks again and again for the the guidance.

TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-07-13 05:17

Here is my lesson 3 all finished. I will say I had some problems from the transition from construction to detail. I may have went too overboard with the details at the point of loosing the overall structure. I can't wait to hear what you have to say! And I hope you're taking care of yourself and not burning out from overtime at work. Have a good one!


TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-06-01 18:30

Hey Uncomfortable, just reading Lesson 3 now. But, I wanted to practice a bit with the contours and the degree transition. Please let me k ow if I'm on the right track. Thanks again for all your helpful feedback! Cheers!


TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-05-28 22:34

Hey there! Not too sure if I'm quite there yet I think I need a little more guidance on making it look three dimensional. Any feedback is wonderful. Thank you for all the help!


TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-05-21 23:27

Hey there! I think I took some time to rethink what I was doing with the contour on the organic shapes and what I was doing wrong. I believe is has to do a lot with not being patient with what I'm doing and I'm not grasping the concept before my eyes. It's funny because when I first discovered Drawabox I thought it was silly to do these simple exercises. Now I'm slowly but surely understanding all these primitive simple shapes in 3D are transforming how I see things. My goal is to go to animation school at the moment and even though I still have major gaps in my understanding it's becoming apparent that from your resources and others like ctrl paint, that understanding the basic underlay is more than half the battle. I just need to slow down and observe the feedback loop and truly digest what I'm trying to learn instead of rushing and hoping I understand later. Anywho, I hope these look a little better than the ones before and please, if it still doesn't look like I fully grasped the concept I can do more. Thanks!


TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-05-20 22:13

After a long hiatus because of school I came back and finished lesson 2. Sorry that the pictures are sideways, editing it at work . Anyways hope this is all correct, I can't wait for feedback!


TheLaughingStoic in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-11-27 06:15

Completed this lesson! http://imgur.com/a/rBcjj

I have been doing this lesson since the middle-end of September I believe. I have learned quite a lot. I found that actually taking a beat and thinking about what I was putting onto the page before I draw it was very difficult because I wanted to think on the page. I was trying to keep in mind the whole drawing from the elbow concept throughout. This lesson has inspired me to finally get back into drawing and maybe start a career within something I always wanted to do (tell stories). I am very eager to hear what critiques you have for me. Thank you!