Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 14: Composition"

2016-11-25 17:01

Thank you for this lesson. I really should try out bleeding objects with scene and use more value range, foreground as well. Yet the hugest void is an imagination in all senses. I am keen on filling that gap, do you recommend photo studies? And this is probably about practise alot. I am just looking for how you've gone through it and what you can recommend.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 14: Composition"

2016-11-24 18:46

Hello. Here it is http://imgur.com/a/8MXax . Finding proper shapes was so uncertain for me. Not sure I applied method right though. Turns out I always started with rough same pattern of huge masses and through blending, changing eventually cling by something. 10th was unbearable, I hope you let off it.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-22 18:53

Well, it's funny, we are in such different situations. I am on a senior year in high school and got here looking for any meaningful sense in my life. Enjoy your journey. Once a month is really rarely, though you have all the time, improvements will come and interest will increase.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-22 18:01

Don't have any real changes to share. It's not my first experience. But there is an improvement on perspective, solidity of forms, with which you struggle. And clearness, but it's a personal. It didn't take way too much, so you will succeed, it's a study after all.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-22 17:07

Here is some stuff to comparison: http://imgur.com/a/8iivc. First of all it's a mess.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-21 18:14

Thank you, it's inspiring. You should probably look at old threads' submissions, they have some cool studies, though I am sure you have already seen them. I will make side notes for my own. Maybe they will turn out some way useful. Actually I have tried this course on my own about 4 months ago. Don't want to submit comparisons until become comfortable with my skills. But here I can do a little exception.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-19 20:38

Doubt it :) Such entertaining to look at your old sketchbook now, then I understand something. Can learn from it.

Your course is just right. comparing to other approaches. The brand new version is even more concrete. so far it was exciting. Huge thank you! I can't even really appreciate it now. Going to reap some fruits.

I am aiming at your advanced topics, really.

I was about to forget: you have a wrong link on your submission button for this lesson.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-18 21:40

Hello, Irshad. Here is my submission: http://imgur.com/a/0MIs3 . Perspective in some cases is too shallow, and some stuff is sloppy. But I have to. Was interesting

Missing proper shadows.

smashedpixie in the post "/r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com: A New Beginning. Read this if you're new to this subreddit."

2016-10-09 19:12

Nice. I got, what post on a "front page" is more then enough.

smashedpixie in the post "/r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com: A New Beginning. Read this if you're new to this subreddit."

2016-10-09 10:14

Some nice content will be buried, though it is probably worthwhile.

What's about creating another spreadsheet, where whose who learn will set their submissions. And whose who are going critique can mark their intentions. Can be ruined but still.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects (new 30min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-10-02 19:38

Hello. here it is: http://imgur.com/a/HXj2r. Some photos are a bit unfocused, don't now how to solve it. First images are quite messy.

Free content itself is definitely fine. The only problem - your film composition study demo, it contains too much important stuff, you should probably open it.

I want to believe what I will get some good stuff till the end of year in a pinch, otherwise I am infantile idiot :) Should not let myself spend time this year. Nevermind, I am in anticipation of lesson 7, demos look badass.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (new 50min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-24 18:05

Thank you. Have looked at my old attemts, thats a progress I got here! I really like what these lessons became 3d forms based. In terms of gesture and solidity I am aimed at your examples. I struggled with sloppiness and definitely don't want it to return.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (new 50min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-23 19:40

Hello, Uncomfortable.

It was a challenge. Lovely week. Here is my submission: http://imgur.com/a/ONK1Y .

Also, thumbnails became better.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-09 14:13

Thank you!

I probably have never actually visualized marks before putting them down, and so I forgot about ghosting method pretty often, it makes a lot of sense. Maybe visualizations were too hard at first, but now i quite able to stick with it.

I lack in observing textures to be honest, will cope it.

I have to move to my tablet, due to learning some 3d stuff. Not thinking enough through marks definitely is a pattern, and so I ask you, is it ok for me to paint digitally now? If it is, can I attempt "Composition" lesson? nah, it's better to complete dynamic sketching entirely first.

Sometimes I probably realize how huge your work is. it's really something meaningful.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-08 21:30

Hello. Here is a homework: http://imgur.com/a/x88H0 Liked this lesson.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-05 13:01

Not "quite", that's a misleading( misspelling), but a bit. It doesn't feel like a right constructional drawing for me.

Also, new approach to this lesson is neat.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-04 21:12

Hello. Here is my third submission: http://imgur.com/a/YPlnL. I quite dissapointed with it, howewer can't do significally better now.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 14: Composition"

2016-08-28 21:05

You are wise. And your answer made it clear, as well as solved my doubts. I will submit you homework if you don't mind. please let me know is it accesible in this case to start support patreon in September .

I started eventually paying attention on composition in films and games and even in real life after this studying. It just clicked sometimes.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 14: Composition"

2016-08-28 12:22

Thank you, it's encouraging.

Howewer there is a small thing disturbing me still. It's not about being special for me. I heard about stuff like our mind is leaning to either abstract or concrete way of functioning.

Although it can't set a ceiling it can make huge difficulties. Maybe it's a nonsense but nevertheless I wanna make it clear. Please let me know if it makes any sense for you.

I stucked such strictly to your lessons - wanted to complete everything, absorbing all knowledge before doing any other art, right now I got tired of this limitation. completely redoing first ones scared me. Lol, it sounds nonsense.

I will be happy to accept your offer now.

Your construction drawing approach is kinda 'auto-balancing'. like the more you are practicing it, the more solid, right, three-dimensional it gets. So I thought there was no a real reason to use your kindness.

smashedpixie in the post "Lesson 14: Composition"

2016-08-27 23:44

Hello, Uncomfortable. Your site is awesome. At the beggining of this journey I could only vaguely imagine how far it would go. Thank you for all you've done here.

The way till this lesson was exciting. I had known it was pure skill based. Howewer now I got a problem, Then it comes to composition and actually creating I doubt. I wonder will I be able to creat complex scenes at all. I am lacking composition feeling, varity and that ability to associate shapes with objects. Not badly but though. I ask you for advice, rather exersises which can help improving.

Also is it a strict rule to submit 1&2 lessons homework first?