Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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slytherkain in the post "During December, critiques will be limited to Patreon supporters (again). Free critiques will resume in January"

2015-11-26 05:23

Good luck on your house hunt! I'm in the same position actually, it sucks this close to holiday season. Are you able to throw us a link of your Patreon? I've got some spare cash (I always have huge amounts towards the end) and I'd like to support you for a few months while you look for a new place and get settled!

slytherkain in the post "Announcement: Important news for those seeking critiques for their homework submissions during the month of August"

2015-07-31 14:07

hey man thank you for the reply! this sounds like the perfect plan, we'll move through them slowly and hopefully have something worthwhile to show you come September. I hope your crunch time goes okay and you're not overly stressed. Thanks for doing all of this by the way.

slytherkain in the post "Announcement: Important news for those seeking critiques for their homework submissions during the month of August"

2015-07-31 08:01

ah dang my boyfriend and I just joined this sub and we're working through Lesson 1/2. Look forward to you getting back!

Do we just work patiently through each lesson 1 week at a time while you're away and then submit them after you get back? Or submit them while you're gone and wait for a reply until after your back? Alternatively do we just hold off learning for another month?