Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Announcement: Important news for those seeking critiques for their homework submissions during the month of August


2015-07-29 17:50


I want to start off by making one thing very clear. The change outlined below is temporary. Things will go back to normal at the beginning of September.

Now that you're all sufficiently scared, I'll explain what I'm talking about. As some of you know, I work for a small game studio as a concept artist (though my responsibilities expand into other areas as well, such as programming, UI design, puzzle design, 3D modeling/texturing, etc.). Working at a game studio is great, but one inherent part of the job description is the dreaded crunch time. During this coming month (August), my studio will be venturing into that dangerous territory. There will be many long hours, and lots of stress.

Running this subreddit - specifically giving one-on-one critique for every homework submission - is time consuming. On average, I get ten new homework submissions a day, and if I skip a day, I end up with twice that number the next day. I've pretty much been doing this non stop for eleven and a half months now. Unfortunately, during this coming month, it will become significantly more difficult than it already is.

Now, one thought was to temporarily shut down the critique portion of the subreddit for the month - I will not be doing that. There are currently 89 people giving what they can to support my efforts, and it would be vastly unfair to them to cut off this major part of the operation.

So, for the month of August, critiques will be limited to those who support Drawabox via Patreon. Again, this is a temporary measure, simply because I am going to be utterly swamped with work. Come September 1st, critiques will be open for everyone once again.

My expectation is that this will vastly reduce the number of homework submissions I'll have to critique each day. I expect I should be able to handle a couple a day.

If you do submit homework during August, please be sure to send me a message via Patreon with your reddit username, so I know to associate the two accounts. If you're not a current Patreon supporter however, just hold onto your homework for now and keep drawing some more boxes.

I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but at the end of the day, my full time job absolutely needs to take precedence.



2015-07-29 20:51

Can i still submit my homework tommorow?


2015-07-29 21:21

Absolutely. This will go in effect August 1st,so you have tomorrow and Friday to submit your homework.


2015-07-30 14:25



2015-07-30 14:48

Yup. There always are one or two people who take advantage of the system, pledging and then removing their pledge once they've acquired whatever they wanted (extra videos, critique, whatever). At least with the critiques I'll actually know who is guilty of that, not that I'd really do anything aside from shake my head in disappointment.


2015-07-30 17:25

Brace yourself for the incoming chain submissions on Sept 1st. A month is a long time to be working through the exercises.


2015-07-30 17:54

I try not to think about it.


2015-07-31 00:35

it would be easier if everyone WAITED til sept 1 and gave you time to recoperate before submitting


2015-07-31 12:52

Haha, yeah, that would be ideal but everyone's got their own time constraints, what with school starting up again for a lot of people and whatnot. I just hope I don't get buried with several hundred critiques to get through in one day. Either way, I'll find a way to deal with the backlog.


2015-07-31 08:01

ah dang my boyfriend and I just joined this sub and we're working through Lesson 1/2. Look forward to you getting back!

Do we just work patiently through each lesson 1 week at a time while you're away and then submit them after you get back? Or submit them while you're gone and wait for a reply until after your back? Alternatively do we just hold off learning for another month?


2015-07-31 12:55

It's kind of tricky. Generally I discourage people from moving ahead before having the lesson marked as complete, because there may be problems occurring in the first lesson that then carry over to the second - so if you wait to get the critique on that first lesson, you'll be able to avoid those mistakes the second time around.

Obviously in this particular case that becomes a lot more unreasonable. I'd say go ahead and go through each lesson one week at a time, but know that when I give critiques, I often ask for parts to be redone, and that when you actually submit the homework in September, submit it one at a time - like, submit lesson 1, then wait for the critique. Then submit lesson 2, and wait again.

I definitely will recommend however, that before doing each lesson, read the lesson carefully (obviously) and also try and look through some of the homework other people have submitted. It'll give you a good sense of what common mistakes you should be avoiding.


2015-07-31 14:07

hey man thank you for the reply! this sounds like the perfect plan, we'll move through them slowly and hopefully have something worthwhile to show you come September. I hope your crunch time goes okay and you're not overly stressed. Thanks for doing all of this by the way.


2015-07-31 23:20

I was around on this sub pretty much ever since the day it was created, and only just got myself to start Lesson 1 (I have about half done). I was counting on August being the month where I get my act together and actually do these lessons regularly before school starts up again. I totally understand why you're temporarily limiting critiques (honestly, I feel that you're already way more than enough by constructing these lessons for us), but I can't help but feel disappointed. I only have myself to blame, of course; it's been almost a year of me thinking about these lessons but never getting around to them. Anyways, you can bet I'll definitely be up and active come September! I'll try to see if I can get my parents (I'm a kid) to let me become a patron (or maybe I'll do it myself haha).


2015-07-31 23:25

Yeah, I figured this would really mess up the plans of at least a few people. Still, you're young, you can afford to wait a month :P

Until then, be sure to flip through the homework others have submitted. There's a fairly limited number of mistakes people have been able to make, so you should be able to see what kind of things I've drawn focus to in other peoples' submissions.


2015-08-15 05:24

This. I've learned so much by just going through what other people have submitted as homework. Also if you read this, thanks for all the effort and dedication you've put into this subreddit and the lessons.


2015-08-15 17:54

Glad I could help!


2015-12-30 13:38

Totally agree! Thats how I have been able to do lesson 2 and 3 during Dec.


2015-08-01 10:19

Totally understand it, and I'd even understand that you took a month off for summer holidays instead of that crunch month - but you can't always choose. Take care! :)


2015-08-01 16:25

Haha, thanks. I do actually have a bit of recovery time included in the semi-hiatus. I'm heading back to my home town to pass out for a few days near the end of the month.


2015-08-07 19:34



2015-08-08 15:03

I tried that to a small extent, with a couple of exceptional students. While these few people were helpful for a time, it's difficult to expect anyone to devote the time and regularity required to really having an impact on my workload.

I did once intend to build the homework submission and critiques into the drawabox website (I was planning to redevelop it completely, though now it doesn't seem entirely worth the trouble), so I could build my own infrastructure for keeping track of which submissions need to be critiqued (there's a good chance of submissions falling through the cracks when you have people sharing the responsibility), or even creating a tier of "exemplary" students who, on a per-lesson basis, would gain the ability to critique and grade other students, while I focused on patreon contributors or something like that.

That concept kinda fell by the wayside though, because I have yet to determine what I could offer those 'exemplary' students in return for consistently critiquing others' work. After all, if you expect people to do things for nothing, you'll naturally be disappointed with the results. People do have a tendency to want to help others, but that motivation tends to come in bursts, and it's only fair to acknowledge that they have their own lives and personal endeavors.


2015-08-11 03:44

Hey there :)

This seems like an awesome sub and I'm super excited to get started, but im a little confused? :( I'm on my phone with Reddit Sync, and I'm not really sure where to start? Do I start at lesson one all the way at the bottom and follow the lessons up?

Thanks for being such a cool person and helping people out! You are truly amazing :D thanks again!


2015-08-11 14:49

There's a list of all the lessons, organized into sets, in the sidebar. If the app you're using doesn't allow you to view the sidebar, the same list can be found on http://drawabox.com (where the lessons are hosted anyway).

In February, I started rewriting the lessons into more comprehensive articles, so the oldest posts here are the previous versions of the lessons, and are outdated.


2015-08-11 16:12

So that's your website? That's awesome! Unfortunately this app doesn't allow viewing of the sidebar, so I'll be on that website when I have time later. So on the website are the updated lessons 1-15? I'll be sure to check them all out :)


2015-08-23 17:22

Oh, dear! I remember crunch time - you have my sympathy! Try to get as much rest as realistically possible, keep yourself hydrated and remember to stretch regularly! Good luck!


2015-08-23 18:16

Haha, thanks- I'll keep that in mind.