Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-07-09 11:58

Here are a few more sketches though honestly I'm not sure what I am missing. I read what you said and checked the lesson again but... it's unclear to me what I am doing wrong (or not doing). If it's about adding more "flesh" to the initial construction, I can't add something I don't see or don't understand. When I add, I put on only the things that I see, and I figure those out by looking at the shape of the body, how lights and shadows change, etc.

For the bunny, the leg wasn't visible so I just drew it as simple as possible. There was nothing to observe there xD

SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-07-07 09:49

Thanks for the feedback. Here are the new drawings.

About thick lines, I didn't do them this time, but when I use them, it's never to simply cover up something. give thought to where I put them, how thick they are, and what they are emphasizing. This is because I have almost negative time (metaphorically speaking) to get several character concept art pages done for my grad project and I am practicing different things with each illustration: constructive illustration technique that Im learning with your guidance, and illustrating in a style that I want to use for my grad project.

I'm learning the style by digitally tracing the artwork of some of my favourite illustrators in order to get used to making smooth lines with a tablet, and in order to get a feel of how these artists illustrate.

What I mean is, that I am practicing both things when I do the lessons, I dont use thicker lines as a tool to fix things up. I give thought to where I put them, how thick they are, and what they are emphasizing.

On my other question, thats a real shame :( Can you recommend a tutorial set, a channel, or maybe a site like yours which focuses on character illustration? Ive spent a lot of time looking for good sites or videos but most seem to teach how to draw a specific thing in a specific setting. For example, a tutorial on how to draw a three-person sofa in a brightly lit room with two potted flowers. It doesnt teach you how to draw any of that, instead it teaches you how to draw that specific three-person sofa in that brightly lit room with these two potted flowers from this angle. I can sum up most of my drawing classes Ive taken irl in the same way.

In contrast, your courses are a perfect example of teaching the ways of illustrating, now illustrating a specific item or setting. That is super helpful to me. Im not talking about being spoon-fed the information, but most tutorials dont even talk about techniques, just vaguely explain some abstract uncertainties and call them guidelines and things are so obscure that you begin wondering what youre even watching/reading. I prefer intelligent learning, not mindlessly crunching through hundreds of drawings until you suddenly get an AHA! moment for something basic which you could have been taught.

Ive not done any other drawing in the last year, except for your lessons. Despite my slow tempo (I started Lesson 1 more than a year ago, took me about 8 months to finish it) I can honestly say that Ive made giant strides. I am far from being as good as I want to be or as the artists I look up to, but compared to how fast Ive been learning before I started your course, I can honestly say that Im feeling like Neo when he learns how to leap across skyscrapers :D

About the design lessons, that is something I can fully sympathize with you. Im in graphic design and my grad project is a game concept (no modelling or game making; just story, game mechanics, UI, and characters). I fully understand why there are so few people in UI and UX, but personally I like doing those things too so I have them in my project. However, teaching graphic design in a similar way as you are teaching constructive illustration that is one helluva monumental task. I like to bite more than I can chew, but even I wouldnt consider teaching design xD

SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-07-05 15:45

Hello, Uncomfortable! I'm alive and back after a long pause. I'll be much more regular now since the semester is over and I can devote proper time to drawing. It was nice to pick up the pen and stare at a sheet of paper instead of a screen. It has been too long, but eh... there wasn't much that I could do about it.

Anyway, to the lesson! I did the birds and the first puma and fox in... April I think. The rest I did during the last 2-3 days and you can see that it took me a couple of illustrations to get back on track. Personally, I think I did better than I anticipated. They are not perfect, but my honest opinion is that the illustrations worked out well (except for the first lizard, which turned out crappy, but my day yesterday was dreadful and nothing worked out at all).

I'm eagerly awaiting to hear what you will say!

P.S. I know that my Patreon subscription has been active since I first started posting. I think you deserve it. I just want to ask about Part 3 and when will you be finished with the lessons there?

SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-04-10 09:09

Hello, Uncomfortable!

Here's Lesson 4 It took me way too long to finish, but hopefully I did well. I tried picking up less unsavory subjects, so that it wouldn't be as hard on you. Except for one or two :3 I'll try not to take forever with the next lesson and with finishing the texture challenge.

As usual, I left notes under the images.

Thank you ^^

SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-03-22 03:31

I see what you mean. I'll keep that in mind for the next lessons :) Also, I feel like drawing plants helps me get a better understanding of space so I will go on practicing with these as well, whenever I have the time to do so.

SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-03-20 08:33

Here is the extra part of the assignment~

On the matter of whether I am misleading myself I'd have to object. Not because I want to argue, but because the way I drew the flowers was intentional. The petals are so many that it made me aim for drawing the plain of where the petals are, instead of each individual. I thought of them in a 3D sense where a seemingly complex object is actually a 2D plane in 3D space or a simple 3D object with a complex texture on it. Especially for the bottom part where there would be hundreds of individual petals which are more or less identical. The top part of that image is crappy and I've got nothing to say about it :D I envisioned the petals (bottom part) as a ring curving through space around the centre of the flower. This approach might be wrong on its own and truth be told, I am not sure why I thought that it is along the lines of what you meant. Maybe I got confused with something? It's strange how I can understand a concept but when I sit down to execute it I end up doing something completely unrelated. Either way, what I mean is that I drew the flowers intentionally the way they ended up being.

In this C submission the last two were drawn in class as well. I know that it's not optimal to do multitasking, but I am kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've got a limited amount of time to learn a lot of things and being sloppy is the last thing I want to be. Being sloppy would mean that I waste not just your time with the reviews, but my own as well. I'm positive about getting where I want to get to within the time limit that I have :)

Edit: Spelling and clarity

SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-03-16 13:47

Heya! I did several more pages. Since I mostly draw in class now I use smaller sheets, not the regular A3 size, thus I try and compensate with more drawings. When I was redoing the fern which I had in the first submission it suddenly clicked. The big tree at the end was made on A3. I left notes on the sheets.

On a different note, I was midway through the lesson when I realised I was using a 0.3 fine liner, which made making thick lines hard and look sloppy. I got a new fine liner (0.5) which has a thicker end as well. On an even more different note, drawing in class helps me focus on what the professors are saying, and even though it's all in Korean I keep focused on the artwork and on the things that they professors are explaining. I've always found it strange how well I can draw and listen to conversations without losing focus on either activity~


SilverSevir in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-03-15 12:31

Hello, Uncomfortable!

Here's my Lesson 3. I left comments in the description boxes. It took me way too long because my computer died, I got a new one and it came defective, it's still at the service. At least I didn't lose my stuff. Anyway, crappy couple of weeks are crappy @_@

For the lesson, I personally have mixed feelings. Some of the plants ended up nice, others ended up decent. Personally while I think that I am making progress faster than ever before, I don't think that I am doing too well.

Thanks :)

SilverSevir in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2017-02-19 09:42

Hello, Uncomfortable!

Here are my 250 cylinders~ I don't have anything specific to add about this. I use both my hands when drawing, this is why certain cylinders are more wobbly than others.

Edit: I remembered what I was thinking about adding as a note when I was drawing! I want to say that while the lessons that you give are all done on paper with a fine liner, I started them with the goal of being a good digital artist. So far, the effect of this course has been greater beyond my wildest dreams, and I'm not exaggerating. I have a tendency of being very critical, especially towards myself, and the difference between what I could do before i started this with now is mind-blowing. In most cases I can do a line from one go and it is long, curvy, and smooth. Not always, obviously, but it's so inspiring!

SilverSevir in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-02-14 07:52

Thanks, I'll get on with it

SilverSevir in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-02-13 07:56

Hello, Uncomfortable!

This is my 250 box challenge submission. I did it in 4 days (rested one). Sorry if the order of the boxes is a bit chaotic. I tried to keep things in rows but that didn't work out too well.

I left notes for the cases where I wanted to say something about the boxes. There are 2 perspectives that I can't seem to wrap my head around.

Thank you :)