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Shindel in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-09-03 02:33

Thanks for the feedback!

I think part of my biggest issue with some of the forms on the legs, along with texturing, is that I try to draw what I see verbatim. So I try to illustrate each little curve, turn, and hair into the picture. Defiantly need to take a step back and stop trying to get too detailed. I hope I'll get it down to make things look really great. I think I've made great improvements from when I first started!

I'm excited to get into the animals!

Shindel in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-09-01 13:23

Hope things are all settled on your end and you had a nice break!

Finished up the insects a couple days ago, what do you think?!


Shindel in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-08-19 18:36

Understandable, take your time and make sure you got your stuff together.

I do plan on supporting you with patreon within the next couple of weeks though. It's the least I can do with you assisting me in achieving something I've been wanting to do for practically my whole life.

Shindel in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-08-19 03:05

Finished up the insects a couple days ago, what do you think?!


Shindel in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-07-20 22:40

Thanks for the time and showing me this. I see what you mean on getting this down.

I think a big part of my issue was, remembering right, I didn't realize they were smaller clumps until I was already too far in trying to work out on detail.

Sorry for making your hand hurt, haha, it was a hard plant to go with. Glad I didn't back down from the challenge.

Shindel in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-07-20 20:38

I just went through the information on the cylinders, left me with a question to ask you. Did you see the same issue across some of my other drawings, or was it mainly because of the potted cactus? Just so I know going forward.

Looking back at my drawings, I mainly see it in the potted cactus. Drawing that, I just did my best at that point knowing it was completely off. After viewing the info, I'm pretty sure I can see how to make it better/improve on that lay-in.

Shindel in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-07-20 20:06

Thanks! I'll move on to the next lesson.

Here is the Queen Annes Lace Flower I tried drawing. If you had time, I would love to see your take on it, but completely understand you being busy for that.

Shindel in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-07-19 21:07

Here is my Lesson 3 for the plants.

I had a LOT of fun with this one. At first it was hard, but I feel I got the idea down and did a good job at it. Visualizing what I want on paper before I get it down is really coming to me now.

That last plant was a hard one >.<

Shindel in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-06-17 21:04

Do you have any tips/advice going forward to look out for while I continue the intersections? Also, do you recommend I continue practicing that part with pen and paper as usual, or would moving the practice digitally be sufficient?

Thanks for the feedback, I agree with what you've all said. My vision on how light/shading works in drawing is pretty weak and I remember the first 2 pages of it, I just wasn't sure how to place it and noticed I was mostly just screwing it up. For the boxes, I haven't really been ghosting the lines, seemed to slip on that in trying out the practice. That alone will probably improve the structure of my boxes by a good deal.

Really appreciate the time you're putting into this. I'll be able to help too within the next 2 months.

Shindel in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-06-17 01:30

Hello good sir, here is my attempt at Lesson 2. Intersections were HARD, without planning ahead and having to draw the full shape out. I noticed I had a easier time practicing some on digital to try to understand it.

Doing this lesson, I did have a question. I take it we should still practice drawing with full motion using shoulder and elbow described in lesson 1? If so, would it be preferred to practice using strictly shoulder movements keeping the wrist locked as much as possible or is it really situational to unlock the wrist?

Shindel in the post "250 Box Challenge (#2)"

2015-05-06 02:57

Here's my 250 boxes. Near the end, things seemed to just click, and I was able to start seeing the boxes on the page before I started to draw anything.
