Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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rushed1911 in the post "An Ongoing Record of Homework Submissions"

2015-12-14 22:25

Fair enough. If your not interested, your not interested. You've already done something meaningful with drawabox

So there's a space for something like this but there are also fundamental design/usecase differences with a stack exchange/conjure.io model.

Thankfully I'm friends with a programmer so I'll see if he's interested in a possible mvp for a drawabox 2.0

Anyone else interested?

rushed1911 in the post "An Ongoing Record of Homework Submissions"

2015-12-14 21:27

If I remember correctly, doesn't stack exchange/overflow have a model that (mostly) solves these problems? There already is conjure.io which is like a github/slack for creative works, if that was combined with it, it would be a good platform for a drawabox 2.0 So basically a Telescope app version of stack exchange linked to a conjure.io-type software. I'm not a programmer so I'm curious what you think of this?

rushed1911 in the post "An Ongoing Record of Homework Submissions"

2015-12-11 02:09

I can see how maintaining drawabox is tedious, maybe you should run it like levelup (the facebook group/youtube page) and just let people peer-review the work. and just focus on making new lessons with Patreon or a possible kickstarter

rushed1911 in the post "During December, critiques will be limited to Patreon supporters (again). Free critiques will resume in January"

2015-12-11 00:44

Good luck, drawabox is a excellent idea. I would contribute but im broke right now, you should expand the lessons in the future (Kickstarter!) or maybe copy Matt Kohr's Ctrl+Paint model (free lessons+longer paid ones) or do both