Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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rbcornhole in the post "Winter Promptathon Day 3: Hamelin at War"

2022-12-28 20:22

I absolutely love that these are actually written prompts instead of single words.

rbcornhole in the post "Question about drawing ghosted/superimposed lines."

2022-11-27 04:03

Make sure you're actively reading the lessons and/or watching the videos. He pretty clearly talks about the intent and thought process behind each exercise.

Drawabox is a lot more than just the homework itself.

rbcornhole in the post "Are drawing skills like "riding a bike", once you know how to do it you never forget? Or do you have to continue practicing to not lose your skill?"

2022-09-18 19:00

It depends on how advanced your skills are.

The more advanced of an artist you are the more of an impact long breaks will have.

But if you're a beginner-intermediate level then there's less of an impact cause you aren't doing incredibly difficult art to begin with.

Art is absolutely a perishable skill, the bicycle analogy is horse shit because art really isn't that simple.

rbcornhole in the post "Why does box A look like box C after drawing the inner edges (box B)?"

2022-03-15 17:46

Also here's some quick references

