Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Why does box A look like box C after drawing the inner edges (box B)?


2022-03-15 10:46



2022-03-15 15:36

That would be because these boxes are not in perspective - they're axonometric, which means their sets of parallel edges in 3D space continue to run parallel to one another when drawn in 2D. So they're a fundamentally different circumstance than perspective projection.


2022-03-15 16:23

A big issue is that you didn't draw the lines with a ruler. The arc of your hand left little biases in the volumes of the shapes. Try redrawing with a ruler and see if you still get the same distortion


2022-03-15 18:57

Basically from what I can see, you began with the lower horizontal lines and then your 'inner lines' were the upper horizontal lines.

Because they are higher they appear to be physically above your first lines. This gives the impression of them being closer to the viewer. Hence due to the perspective they have become the 'outside' instead of the 'inside'

Note: When I say 'higher' it's a complex statement because we're talking about lines on a flat plane but essentially the new line is connected by a straight line to the lowest part of the box. So our brain automatically says that one is higher than the other, unless you are making an Escher style box that's how geometry works. So it looks higher up to the viewer.

If you want to avoid this a good rule of thumb to follow is the interior lines will be behind or below your exterior/border lines.

It still looks like a box though, your halfway there! So good work! Perspective gets to the best of us, do some life drawing it may help!


2022-03-15 19:36

A is south perspective from the inside, and c is sout perspective from outside the box. When you add interior lines (i.e. B) you get the exterior perspective and interior perspectives from south/bottom? Don't know how to explain that in proper artistic terms lol


2022-03-15 19:50

Box B has no depth information (non isometricperspective and/or lighting). It's just edges. That creates what is called in Psychology of perception a bistable figure

Said in plain terms, you can see it both ways (as seeing it from below, AR from the top) depending on your "intention" to see it one or the other.


2022-03-15 20:15

It does? Not to me.


2022-03-15 23:12

Same. I'm curious, what are other folks seeing?


2022-03-15 23:26

I have no idea.


2022-03-15 20:44

Thanks to all. This is 'Necker cube'.


2022-03-15 20:44

Desktop version of /u/jinn_art's link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necker_cube

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2022-03-15 20:44

Necker cube

The Necker cube is an optical illusion that was first published as a Rhomboid in 1832 by Swiss crystallographer Louis Albert Necker. It is a simple wire-frame, two dimensional drawing of a cube with no visual cues as to its orientation, so it can be interpreted to have either the lower-left or the upper-right square as its front side.

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2022-03-15 22:24

Probably because you never really see boxes from the a pov so your brain assumes it's supposed to be the other way


2022-03-15 23:00

Because brain confuses top as bottom and bottom as top. You can use lines said in drawabox to make it clearer


2022-03-16 00:05

Maybe cause our eyes are near the highest point of out bodies.

So when we see "A" we're more likely to think of "space" (ie a room)

And when we see "B" we're more likely to think "box"?

Just speculation tho


2022-03-16 00:33

Yeah you are right it does look like box c. Its mainly our brain and eye playing with us.


2022-03-16 01:34

I first saw it as C, my theory is its because the closest line to us is just one line so it doesnt take as much effort to see it that way. I had to consciously try to see it as A. And that takes four lines of equal lengths as opposed to just one edge in front, it also helps there are four lines radiating towards that edge.

Edit: I feel like people are seeing A as the inside of a room, you can look at it that way but I think here its the bottom of a box. C is the top of a box.


2022-03-16 10:39

i think its because there is no perspective and vanishing point

you also draw the lines at front darker and lines behind lighter so that u wont confuse


2022-03-18 00:30

Its the same perspective but mirrored vertically. Makes sense that it looks the same. Shading some of the sides would help.


2022-03-19 01:38

box a + box c = box b All of these boxes use the same base diamond shape as well. you can hatch the bottom of box a and the sides of box c to make them look different.