Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Winter Promptathon Day 3: Hamelin at War


2022-12-28 14:17



2022-12-28 14:18

For those unsure of what a Promptathon is, it's an event we try to hold at the turning of each season, where we drop a new drawing prompt each day for 7 days. Students are encouraged to submit something for each day, and are awarded with unique avatars, achievements, and double critique credits on the drawabox website.

More info here.


2022-12-28 20:22

I absolutely love that these are actually written prompts instead of single words.


2022-12-28 20:31

I think it's important to both give students something with more to sink their teeth into, but also to give them something with many avenues to explore so they can ultimately use it as a starting point to come up with their own ideas. People just need some help to get started.