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princebill in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2016-10-12 01:25


So in the example in the video the examples are in 2 pt perspective, In 3 point, how the boxes are drawn, aligning the contact points of the circle should be done along the relevant 3rd VP, right?

EG in the short second set the red hashes are what i used to correct which i realized were horribly inaccurate on the first batch.

princebill in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2016-10-10 22:09


Submission 3 - 250 cylinders

I spent a day trying to loosen my ellipses, but i just lost my grasp on boxes! So that didnt go well for trying to construct in the box- I practiced boxes for a bit and got them back (working on them all over again) and then did some cylinders. As far as using the minor and major axis construction, I felt better about it but getting the degree just how I wanted is very tricky

princebill in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-10-06 20:39

Do i go cylinders or lesson 2 next?

princebill in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-10-05 02:37


An additional 40 from scratch, drawn through, with some feeble attempts at line weighting. I am going to follow to the letter!

princebill in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-10-04 02:25

Submission 2 - 250 Box challenge: plus an extra 50 box penance for my transgressions against the laws of ghosting some lines and crimes against perspective


princebill in the post "Peter Han's Dynamic Bible - The legendary dynamic sketching instructor's finally launched the kickstarter for his personal notes and lectures!"

2016-10-01 16:54

If you are looking to purchase a copy following the kickstarter I found this gallery selling signed copies. (not promoting the gallery so much as this is the only place i could find it)
