Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Peter Han's Dynamic Bible - The legendary dynamic sketching instructor's finally launched the kickstarter for his personal notes and lectures!


2016-05-28 05:03



2016-05-28 05:03

Peter Han, the instructor I had at Concept Design Academy, has launched his kickstarter for his Dynamic Bible - basically his personal notes on the material for the Dynamic Sketching class he teaches. That is, the course I took, and from which I derived much of what I pass on through drawabox. Drawabox is my own interpretation on the material, with what I believe to be superfluous left out, and what I believe to be important emphasized.

This book is right from the source, and it's likely to be a wealth of knowledge I could never hope to impart myself. So if you can, I strongly encourage you to pick up a copy.

Unfortunately, it's limited to the US only, which was really disappointing to me, since I live in Canada. Damn damn damn damn.

Edit: I totally missed the PDF copy. It's still not the same as a beautiful physical copy, and does nothing for my book collection, but hey - the informatin's there, so it's still worth getting if you're outside of the United States.


2016-05-28 14:49

What about the pdf - is it the same?


2016-05-28 16:50

I totally missed that actually - it absolutely should be, in terms of the information it conveys. I'd still love to have the physical thing though ):


2016-05-28 15:16

Get one of your US students to get it for you!!! It looks really awesome though I think I'll back it. First kickstarter!


2016-05-28 16:50

Hahaha, perhaps. That'd get complicated though, and I'm not a fan of complication. I might just settle for the PDF tier and a lot of moping and whining.


2016-05-28 08:26

Damn, that's frustrating. The PDF tier isn't region-bound, though, so there's some way of getting the info, even if it isn't nicely printed and bound.


2016-05-28 16:48

I actually totally missed the PDF tier. I guess I'll get it, but I'm still salty about the book!


2016-05-29 00:07

I have family in the states, so I'll see if they can hook me up. It can't be more to ship to Canada than it is to ship to the UK; PM me if you want to work something out.

(Granted, you don't know me from Adam, but the offer's there if you want it)


2016-05-29 00:08

I appreciate the thought - I'll definitely keep it in mind!


2016-05-29 01:49

In the video he said he would be releasing the book internationally sometime in July or August after he releases the book at Comic Con.


2016-05-29 02:10

... Definitely very good to know! Shame on me for not watching it before jumping to conclusions.


2016-06-17 04:42

Depending on how impatient/trusting you are, I live in the states and can be an address launderer forward you a package.


2016-06-17 12:27

I appreciate the offer, but it turns out that the book will be available internationally after the kickstarter is over, some time later in the summer. I'll be buying it then.


2016-05-29 13:51

I picked up a hard copy - had been waiting for this kickstarter for a while after hearing about it on instagram!


2016-05-29 23:18

Do you feel like this will help someone who is currently going through your lessons?

I'll probably back it regardless just because it will be neat to read his personal notes.


2016-05-29 23:25

Yes and no. While my lessons are very heavily based on what I learned from Peter, they're also contain many of my own interpretations and observations, and emphasize what I believe to be important while skipping over what I feel is distracting. Since my approach has diverged in this way from Peter's, you could end up getting your wires crossed.

I definitely encourage people to learn from many different sources, but when learning from a given source, they should focus entirely on it and what it teaches. Once you have completed its lessons or exercises, you can step back and think about how that meshes with what you've learned previously, throwing out that from either side that doesn't work for you, and keeping what does.

That said, Peter's an amazing teacher and I'm sure there's a wealth of knowledge in that book that I would not be able to give you.


2016-06-14 03:36

If you are supporting Peter Han you can support Norman Schureman's children by buying a book dedicated to him below. Norman Schureman is Peter Han's teacher.



2016-06-14 13:50

I've actually got To Draw is to See right next to me - it's a phenomenal collection of beautiful drawings and is definitely worth every penny. It's icing on the cake that the proceeds go towards supporting Norm's children. As mentioned in the sidebar, it was Norman Shureman's work that really spurred the whole dynamic sketching approach to drawing, of which Peter Han's work is an interpretation (with mine being a further derivative of Han's). While Norm drew inspiration from others, he was definitely the one who firmly established it as a part of Art Center College of Design's curriculum, making it the bedrock of countless concept artists and entertainment designers.

I did want to make one correction though - Norm was not killed by a student. He was attending a party, where another attendee became belligerent and seemed to become overcome with paranoia. This man was asked to leave, but later returned with numerous concealed weapons. During the struggle to relieve him of these weapons (a hunting knife and at least two firearms), Schureman was shot in the abdomen and passed away the next day. He had stepped in to help remove a threat to everyone present, putting their lives and safety ahead of his own, and he should be remembered both as a great educator as well as the hero he was.


2016-06-14 19:41

I remember now the full story. It was posted somewhere before. I dont know where I got the student part from. I deleted it to remove any confusion.


2016-09-24 05:03

I have the pdf and sort of regret not getting a hardcopy. The one thing I do like about the pdf version is I can zoom in on his notes. His notes are a bit messy and written very small. I cannot read most of it at default print. I admit my eyes are not the best and I have astigmatism. Zooming in helps and then I am able to read the notes better.


2016-09-24 14:39

Aha, I have an astigmatism in one eye as well! I got the PDF too (since I'm not in the united states and couldn't get the book itself through the kickstarter). I was planning on getting the hardcopy when that becomes available internationally, which it's supposed to.. soon? But now I'm not so sure - I'm pretty fond of the pdf, especially when reading it on a tablet.


2016-10-01 16:54

If you are looking to purchase a copy following the kickstarter I found this gallery selling signed copies. (not promoting the gallery so much as this is the only place i could find it)



2016-10-01 17:04

Thanks for the heads up! I just ordered it. I've actually been to Gallery Nucleus before - it's in LA and pretty well known by entertainment industry pros so I suppose it's not surprising that they'd have their hands on Peter Han's book.