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Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-07-31 06:39

Here's some more animals I think they are looking better than my earlier ones. I spent more time on each individual drawing this time than last time. As far as my line work I don't know what to change. With the circles in the beginning I'm afraid to go too fast and create a shape I didn't mean to make. I am also using a smaller pen on the circles so maybe each little quaver shows more? Similar idea for the rest of the lines, I am afraid to go to fast and screw things up. I also usually try to draw with my elbow and shoulder for sure, on some of the smaller details I'm sure I use my wrist though. As far as size, I dunno most of my drawings this time around where lik 3-4 inches across.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-07-14 06:39

Here ya go. I think this is what you are looking for. I was not to confident with the quality of these drawings so feel free to make me do more. One question though. Is there a proper way to hold a pen/pencil? I find myself holding it between my ring finger, middle finger, and thumb because that is the way I have always written.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-06-11 05:50

Here is mine. I'm still taking my time with these. Drawing the birds went well I think but then there was a drop off in quality. However as I drew more I think that I got better. The pictures are in the order I drew them not the order listed on the homework. I thought this would be better to see my improvement. I ended up putting most of my detail in the faces of the animal because that was usually where the most interesting part was. I guess I am still having trouble seeing and adding detail. I mean I can see the animal(who can't...lol) I just am unsure what details need to be included and how to include them. I tried to stop with the random scribbles, although for some animals(sloth) this seemed like the most appropriate way to depict them. Although the scribbles weren't completely random when I included them. As you said before, I think seeing the details and accurately drawing them is something that comes with time.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-05-07 04:13

Ok thanks! I'll try to work on those details. It did cross my mind that I was using scribbles for a lot of the details. Also, could I get my badge for the 250 cylinder challenge? You replied to my post but may have go to caught up in GTA to give me the badge. :) No worries though that games is addicting.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-05-06 06:06

Hey, here is the rest of it. I posted it as a reply to another of your comments but I wasn't sure if you saw it. I took my time but finally got all of them. I am still struggling to realistically portray the form, but I feel like I am getting better. I started to do this shading type thing to show form. Not sure how well it works though. Also, never realized how gross bugs are, got a little nauseous there a couple times.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-05-03 04:54

Hey, here is the rest of it. I took my time but finally got all of them. I am still struggling to realistically portray the form, but I feel like I am getting better. I started to do this shading type thing to show form. Not sure how well it works though. Also, never realized how gross bugs are, got a little nauseous there a couple times.

Pontmercy in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders"

2015-04-14 06:29

And now that I think about it that last page was the one I did the quickest and I think those cylinders look the best.

Pontmercy in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders"

2015-04-14 06:27

Here are my cylinders. It seemed like I was getting better the more I drew. Initially I started increasing the line weights of the lines around the edges but I eventually stopped. There were a few angles that I seemed to be pretty good at drawing while others, like short, wide cylinders, I had difficulty with. I did try to draw quicker to get rid of the wobbliness of my lines and I think that worked a little. There is still some wobbliness but if I practice more I think I can get rid of it.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-04-13 06:05

Yea, what I have been doing lately is starting with a 0.25 mm pen to make my preliminary lines and then coming back with the 0.45 mm to finish things off. That's probably adding to the uncertainty. I'll use the 0.45 mm for everything from now on though.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-04-08 06:19

How me layins lookin? I know you said to try to stop with the gridlike contour lines but I don't really know how else to show form very well. I can draw a few of the natural lines of the form but often that doesn't seem to give enough information to completely describe the form.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-04-02 02:01

Yea no worries! Your are already doing way more than I could have ever asked for. This is what I used for the avocado tree.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-04-01 22:39

Ok well here is another go at it. Not sure if I did any better. Sometimes I feel like I need to do some shading but I am not very good at it. Like the leaves on the avocado plant. They are not perfectly flat and a little wrinkled around the lines so I tried to do a little shading around them to give them more texture but I don't think it really worked. Also I got lost trying to draw the buds on the weed plant.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-04-01 06:23

As well as r/whatisthisplant

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-03-26 03:13

Here are the 4 pages including the on I posted earlier. Thank you for your patience!

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-03-23 06:07

If anyone is looking for plant pictures I have been using r/botanicalporn and r/plants

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-03-22 06:02

Is this what you are looking for? Sometimes I gloss over instructions and do what I want...my bad. I'll finish the other three pages when I get the ok. The orchid in the bottom left was hard to draw because the petals are close to parallel with the drawing surface. And I think I can do better with the leaf on that berry-bush thing.

Pontmercy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-03-19 06:58

Here is my homework. These aren't getting easier that's for sure. I had a tough time drawing intricate textures, and I was exactly sure the best way to draw smooth surfaces.