Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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nightningflash in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-05-29 01:38

You'll end up with a much better system building from scratch. It does take a ton of work, but you know what they say... labours of love. It'll be worth it.

nightningflash in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-05-28 01:27

Gotcha. Yeah I can see how scaling would be an issue when it comes to a single person offering all the critiques and manually managing progress tracks.

Hmmm based on what you've mentioned sounds like a forum might be the way to go as the foundation. Subforums setup for each lesson. You get the comment threads, homework/file uploads and subforum moderation out of the box. Then custom mod it to limit replies to moderators and extra hooks for automatically promoting users to subforum moderators based on custom user statuses. The hooks will be the hardest part.

Or you can take a bug/ticket tracker, treat homework submissions as tickets, and build custom views for easy way of viewing list of tickets for each lesson. Bug trackers tend to be more utilitarian and harder to style. Of course, you'll still need to deal with the automatic updating of user permissions.

As to volunteers vs paid services. Interesting that you see it that way... Not that there's anything wrong with hiring a freelancer for work... Just considering the amount of time and effort you've spent and are continuing to spend on the project, I see it as anybody volunteering to help is really just pitching in as a service in kind payment. Agree that volunteers can be much flakier than a freelancer on contract. But my offer is there if there's a need.

nightningflash in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-05-27 05:48

It's great to hear that there'll be a new affordable online program, however I agree with cartoonishguy that there is room for both. Also you don't need to put in hundreds of dollars on hiring a graphic/ux designer for a functional website / community forum. Please don't. It's the content, your lessons, notes and videos that matters and not what the site looks like.

This is a fairly popular subreddit. There might be possibilities of volunteers helping with expanding this community instead of just you going at it alone.

FYI: I'm a UX designer, more on interaction architecture side than visual design... but a website doesn't take that much work. Depending on timing, I might be able to help.

nightningflash in the post "250 Box Challenge (#2)"

2015-04-04 23:19

260+ boxes later... I unconsciously started drawing them on napkins while waiting for food at the restaurant. Well done!

Thank you for suggesting this exercise. Sometimes my attention still slips but I think the exercise helped a lot.


nightningflash in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-03-28 01:07

That sounds fair. Okay. I'll resubmit the previous lesson's assignments in full in the other threads. Thanks.

nightningflash in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-03-27 05:29

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you want the earlier stuff to be submitted. I did lesson 1 and 2 on scrap paper and so some of it is pretty messy.

lesson 1 & 2 homework

nightningflash in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-03-26 04:11

Can you provide some pointers for determining the positioning of the lower portion of the mask? I seem to be having a hell of a time relating the mask with the curve of cheeks and chins.

The faces I draw look like people but are pretty far off from the actual models.

