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MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-06-19 19:02

This is my attempt at lesson 2.

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects (version 3)"

2015-12-03 11:25

Here is my lesson 6 homework. Thank you for these tutorials they have been helpful. Good luck finding an apartment and Happy Holidays

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders (#2)"

2015-10-31 13:02

Here are the 250 cylinders. Thanks for taking the time out to look at my assignment your critiques have been really helpful.

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-09-27 08:35

[This] (http://imgur.com/a/vhFVi) is my third atempt on the assignment I tried to work on clear points of intersection but I still struggle with understanding how they function.

Anyways I still have a lot to improve on. Thank you for creating these tutorials they have been a great resource the last few months. :)

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-09-12 10:55

Im really sorry to put this here but I wasnt sure where to post this as the lesson 5 thread is now closed >_<. I will re-post it in the new thread for the lesson 5 if necessary.

[This] (http://imgur.com/a/PK3Ma#0) is my second attempt I still need a lot more work on being confident and thoughtful when I work.

Thank you for your response and detailed criticism they have give me a lot to think about and work on. :)

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-08-01 08:01

Here is my homework thanks for providing the lessons and feedback. These lessons and tutorials are really great and have helped me a lot.

I have a question how do you find a balance between form, proportion and gesture? Its something I had difficulty with when working on this assignment and I was wondering if you had any tips.

Thank you :D

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-06-25 06:33

Here is lesson 4

I have some questions: how do you find a balance between too much and too little detail as I was working on the assignment I had a hard time figuring out when I was going to far with details do you have any advice on this?

Also how do I get flares next to my name? I have completed assignments 1-4 and the 250 box challenge but I havent gotten any flares.

Anyways, thanks for creating thease assignments this one was really challenging and interesting :)

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-05-30 21:12

Here is my homework

I really struggled a lot with the assignment and I feel like I didnt do my layins correctly and focused too much on the outline and shading of the plants which came out kind of messy and overly detailed. I definitely need to work on this.

Thanks for making these assignment I feel like they have really helped me improve. :)

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Video: How to Draw a Box (to help with the organic perspective exercise)"

2015-03-08 03:48

Thanks for the videos this will definitely make the boxes I have to draw easier to understand (the Y exercise especially as I have been having trouble making the lines of my boxes converge correctly this part was extremely helpful). This video has given a lot to think about and will definitely come in handy as I complete the extra credit exercise.

PS: I found some videos by a youtuber called moatddtutorials that reminded me of some of the stuff we are working on here

This video has some information I found interesting on organic perspective it helped me understand some of the concepts of the first lesson :


These videos by the same youtuber also provide some intresting information on organic perspective and some infomation on analytic figure drawing towards the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ektQPOQ9HeM

This video especially around 3:30 reminded me of excercies 2 of lesson 2(The organic contour lines excersise) it also has information that might be helpful for elipse drawing (specifically the funel excersize) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHefdroQdDo

Some of his 10 minute drawing tutorials have some useful information on perspective also.

I wanted to point his videos out because some of the stuff he teaches is similar to your style of teaching he focuses a lot on perspective and analytical figure drawing. I found his videos very helpful maybe some other people might find them useful as well. Here is his gallery if you want to look at his work http://le-mec.deviantart.com/gallery/.

MintGreenTeaLeaf in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-02-28 05:03

Hi Im 22(Ill be 23 in about a month) Ive been drawing as a hobby since I was 14 but I only really started getting serious about it when I was around 20. I took art classes all throughout highschool and got an A.A. in art. In college I mostly took basic drawing, animation and digital art classes although my BA degree is in something unrelated to art and I continue to practice daily.

My work is mostly portraits copied from photographs drawn with a grid although I have currently stopped using a grid I primarily draw by copying reference. I would like to start being more creative in my drawings. Do you have any advice for an artist switching from just copying references to being more creative? I practice drawing from imagination for about an hour every day but this is still something struggle with (I also practice other things everyday as well like value and anatomy).

My aspirations are to do more illustrative and creative works and then to move on to concept art illustration or animation. I would like to try to go professional one day.

Heres a sample of some of the stuff I have done so you can get a frame of reference for where Im starting from: http://imgur.com/a/MFdie#iBJ7Rhf

I found this subreddit by looking up digital art forums on Google. Im glad I did the information on here seems really helpful.