Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Meskalink in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-04-21 21:12

Thank you for the critique, I agree I have problems with confidence in drawing forms so I will repeat the lessons you have mentioned. You also mentioned warmups. Do I have t do warmups everyday before sketch. It is important to me because I have a very tough schedule and adding excercises and warmups means cutting pieces from sketching itself. Will it be justified expences? lets say I have two hours everyday, how much time warming up should take for good result. May be I am asking too much, then I apologize and want assure you that these questions are really important to me and I don't have much skilled friends who can give valuable advice in drawing. Also I decided to work with pens only so I could concentrate on lessons, not instruments. Thank you.

Meskalink in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-04-19 20:37

Hi, Uncomfortable. It's been a while since my last showing homework here. It's good to see you still in bussines and help people to learn. I did my homework for insects drawing, can you please take a look: http://imgur.com/a/O02kR

I can say rush is my worst enemy. Sometimes I didn't even notice how my hand starting scratch the paper in chaotic movements just because I like these feeling of drawing lines. Will be working harder on that! Also I've noticed that all the drawing require a knowledge of light/shadow and I am really bad at this.

Also I have a few concernings. Is it wrong to distract from your course and do another studies? I was reading Scott Robertson for a while and also tried my strengh in anatomy drawings. It was more just for fun then for studying (anatomy course I mean) and it was a free course by some local character designer in social network so I've decided to participate but I almost didn't do any excersises or drawings from your course. Is it wrong?

Also I've got graphic tablet from my work and I can use it freely as long as I work there :) Is it bad to study CG and pen drawing at the same time. I've read your thoughts about learning through pen but still I am very curious about CG (I did few drawing in PS already just to know how it is) and it is one of my main goals to draw in PS. May be you can suggest me when it is a better time to start learn CG?

Thank you.

Meskalink in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2016-01-07 20:37

Thank you. Will it be usefull to continue draw plants or lesson 4 covering the same things that lesson 3?

Meskalink in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2016-01-06 15:22

Hi, Uncomfortable. I drew a few plants and I want to say this is fun and difficult at the same time. Here is the link to my homework. I must say some plants have so strange and even freaky forms that when I look at them I realize I just don't no where I should start my drawing but this is how we learn anyway. Harder path = more experience. Also I bought craft paper and tried my strength on it (last image in my homework). And I visited a greenhouse to draw plants from nature. Unfortunately compact sits (I had one with me) forbidden there so I had to draw while standing and it was really uncomfortably. I've failed most of my drawings but I've added a few of them to my homework. Accidentally I've lost some references' links, sorry for that. I feel my skill rising but I feel it is still bad. I have not much time (about 2 hours a day), so it will not be quick for me to get some good skill. By the way thank you for updating lesson 2, it is more helpful and easier to understand now!

Meskalink in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2015-12-14 21:08

Thank you very much for the quick response, I really appreciate it knowing your troubles with searching new apartment, I wish you luck with that. I wrote down all your critiques so I'll make sure I remember them. I am also planning to do more dissections and especially intersections, I don't have that 100% confidence yet when I intersect the forms. Sometimes it took 5-10 minutes to understand correct intersection line. You could see my errors in my works:) Anyway lesson 3 looks intriguing, can't wait to start it! Thanks for what you do.

PS: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:)

Meskalink in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2015-12-14 10:40

Hey, Uncomfortable. At last I did my homework and want some critique please. http://imgur.com/a/V2y15

Meskalink in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2015-11-22 18:46

Thank you. I like to use pens for drawing, so it is not a problem for me to make a homework with pen. I think I'll buy pad after I'll complete lesson 7.

Meskalink in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2015-11-22 14:17

Thank you for the feedback! I'll continue practising boxes along with lines and ellipses. And I I understand your point of view about rotating a sheet, it sounds persuasively and logical. One small additional question: is there some kind of a sign that I can start trying to draw digitally?

Meskalink in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2015-11-20 21:01

Thx for the answer!

Meskalink in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2015-11-20 08:55

Hello, Uncomfortable. I drew 250 boxes as you suggested. Please take a look.


I can say this challenge works well to understand how to draw a box quickly but I think that I must draw at least another 250 to get a good quality of them. I know, that my main problem is rushing - trying to fight with it.

Also I have a question: My long-run objective is drawing using graphics tablet, so when you say that I can rotate a sheet as much as I want I think how this will work for computer? Thank you.