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kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-05 22:32

I see what you're saying. I'm definitely drawing more from memory than I should be. That will be my priority to work on moving forward.

I'll keep with the insects for the next couple of weeks at least, and then look at the new animal content. Thanks a lot!!!

kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2016-09-05 21:35

Here is my homework. As I mentioned before, I feel like there's a big disconnect for me between drawing from your tutorials and drawing from an image. I think they seem somewhat okay as lay-ins when I draw from an image, but then it just feels disastrous to me by the end! I plan to draw a bunch more insects and arachnids, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to get feedback at this point. Thanks a lot, as always.

kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-08-29 16:07

Okay got it, I understand. Thanks!

kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-08-29 15:22

This is just a quick (I think) question. In working on this lesson, I'm finding that I feel pretty okay about the critters I draw following along with your demos or looking at your steps. But when I try to draw from an image, they turn out much less believable. I imagine this is very common, but I can't quite put a finger on what it tells me I'm struggling with. Is it a deficiency in breaking down the reference image into forms? It's probably a combination of many things and just means I need to practice. But I figured I'd ask in case you had some insight.


kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-07-18 20:08

I think I understand what you're saying about hatching/scribbling vs. texture. I'd seen you comment that on people's work before, but I don't think I understood it until I fell into the same pattern myself. I am going to go back to your texture demos, as well as starting the Texture Challenge. Thanks!

Thank you so much for the morel demonstration. It's amazing and it really helped me a lot with understanding both construction and texture. Thanks!

kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-07-16 03:06

Here are my plants. I think(?) I understood the lay-in approach, but of course you'll be able to tell better than I can. I don't think I did a great job at texture. Specifically, I have two questions. First, my morel was really hard to capture. I could see that each pocket had a very dark/black portion in the middle, with a gradient from there. But I couldn't capture that. I tried, but it looked horrible so I just drew them as solid black. I know that's not the best, but I wasn't sure how to capture the shadows within the pocket. Any advice? Second, I hate the front middle petal of my lotus, drawn from this image. I think it's mostly because I drew it too tall and skinny rather than short and squatty, but I'm not sure if I also did other things wrong. I couldn't make it look like it was laying in front of the stem. Thanks for your help, as always!

kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-07-05 23:14

Cool, thanks so much!!

kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-07-03 00:18

Thank you for the comments! I actually couldn't tell which of the contour curves were correct or not, so I'm glad to know the last page was incorrect.

The textures that flatten out the form are exactly the ones I looked at a flat reference image, so I'll have to practice wrapping a flat texture. Thanks.

I did more organic intersections. I think the last page is clearly the best, but I included the others in case you can point things out or give specifics of what is fundamentally incorrect about some of them and what improves.

Thanks a lot, as always!

kirbycat_ in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-07-01 20:32

Here is my Lesson 2. I had a really hard time with the intersections, and it actually took me dozes of junked pages just to get to what I've submitted. So there's definitely progress, but I'm sure there's a lot of exercises/practice I can do. I'm just not sure what to focus on (aside from everything...)

kirbycat_ in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-01 19:01

Oh yeah, I was more asking if it was okay to draw through the forms with broken lines rather than solid lines, which I now know is not okay! I was just having a hard time thinking about where the unseen lines would actually be and at what angles/corners, and when I drew them as solid lines my brain would get confused and I wasn't able to tell if they were "right" or "wrong." So the broken lines helped me visualize, but I definitely noticed myself getting sloppy with them, so I totally understand why they're a bad idea. Hatching the front faces probably would have had the same effect I was going for in helping me visualize, so I'll do that from now on in my warm-ups. Thanks for the help!

kirbycat_ in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-01 17:20

I'm sorry, I originally posted this in Lesson 1 since I didn't know there was a separate page for the boxes. I deleted my earlier post. Here is my submission for the 250 box challenge. Thanks! I had a hard time visualizing the box with the "unseen" lines added, so I did them as dotted lines for awhile. I hope that's okay. Then I tried to go back to solid lines after I got some practice.

kirbycat_ in the post "A Break for Uncomfortable - For the month of June, free critiques will be on hold. They will resume July 1st."

2016-06-04 20:45

Got it, that makes sense. Thanks!

kirbycat_ in the post "A Break for Uncomfortable - For the month of June, free critiques will be on hold. They will resume July 1st."

2016-06-04 20:20

I'm a newbie around here (currently on 250 box challenge), so I didn't know about Patreon or other things. I'm happy to become a supporter in the future.

I was just wondering what you wanted us not-current-supporters to do in the meantime. I will probably finish the 250 box challenge in the next few days. I will of course hold off on posting until July 1. Does that mean I should not start on Lesson 2 until those get critiqued? I know you don't like two lessons posted at once, so I was just wondering what you suggest.

So appreciative of your lessons and critiques! I'm glad you take some much-needed breaks every once in awhile.