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Jackson622 in the post "Dealing with off-topic posts, spam, etc."

2019-10-11 23:29

What is the status on the drawabox website based community portal mentioned some time ago?

Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2017-09-13 02:39

Lesson 6 for your consideration: https://imgur.com/a/ykwRM

Thanks as always.

Jackson622 in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2017-08-04 11:53

Hello Czar. I am back with a 2nd attempt on the cylinder challenge: ALBUM

For reference, HERE is your feedback from the first time.

I stuck more to the instructions. I've used a dual tip sharpie for most of this to try and combat the "faintness" (which was actually just bad pens. These things just don't seem to last any sort of reasonable time.) There is quite a bit of bleed as a result of the sharpie.

The ones in boxes are wildly worse than those started on an axis which is interesting.

Jackson622 in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2017-06-08 22:47

250...Objects for your review. Thanks.

Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-05-20 23:31

Lesson 5 remediation, 3 pages: http://imgur.com/a/thFtW

You may deem that there is still insufficient observation and lack of proportion, but I'm hoping it's at least trending the right direction. There is definitely still a "cartoon" feel to the jaguar, although I think I've made progress in all these areas.

In case you want to reference the original submission: http://imgur.com/a/Z8TsR

thanks in advance.

Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-04-12 02:56

If you don't mind, I could use a couple more pieces of information so I can best implement the feedback.

RE: more observation, form relations: Could I get a specific example or two from my submission where these are lacking? Then I can compare it to baby elephant and crocodile to understand it better. I understand what you are saying, but I need a point of reference for myself to work off of and orient myself.

And more specifically, what is your general opinion of how I am connecting the limbs / legs...I'm very conflicted about it.

RE: "cartoony". This came up on Lesson 4 as well (there it was excessive line weight). Again, I could use an example of this since it's come up again and I'm not clear what exactly the feedback means, implies, or needs to change.

Understood about extraneous features and environment. I thought I was grounding them / giving context like one of the examples talked about but will drop it. I understand I didn't approach it with sufficient effort.

Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2017-04-11 13:19

Hey random Q: the little ruler in your "tools" image. Does this have a name? I'm assuming that back piece allows it to roll on the page vs. sliding?

(Awesome job on the lesson, by the way :) )

Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-04-10 23:48

My submission for L5 for your review:


Progress and understanding took a very long time this time, but I think I finally got there in the end.

And in the sake of completeness, the last time we talked you had suggested I work through the oryx demo.

I did all the demos, with varying degrees of success but here he is specifically: ORYX That one really did help me to start turning the corner with this lesson. Since it seems you recommend that one a lot, have you given any thought to moving it into the formal part of the lesson? I don't know what it is, but something is different about that one.

Looking forward into Lesson 6, what do you think about incorporating the material within Scott Robertson's How To Draw? I'm itching to get into the book, and it seems like it is very similar in methodology. If you think it'll conflict, I'll stay away.

Thanks again as always.

Edit: Also, I got a message that my Patreon pledge didn't go through...but then another message that it did. If there's an issue with it, please let me know and I'll make it right.

Jackson622 in the post "Frequently Asked Questions: I compiled a bunch of questions I felt were being asked rather frequently, so read through this list before asking your own."

2017-03-05 22:45

With respect to lesson 1:

Could you explain why the ellipse pictured in figure 2.10 and the ellipse in the "self critique" section for "stiff, uneven ellipse" / "ellipses in planes" appear to not follow the same use of the minor axis?


Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2017-02-11 14:33

Lesson 4 album for your review: http://imgur.com/a/4YB8t

You may have given me arachnophobia, so thanks a lot.

I have avoided texture as it has gotten me in trouble in lessons 2 and 3. I hope I have understood the description of "lay in" as intended.

Thank you.

Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2017-01-06 03:57


Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2017-01-06 02:42

First but unrelated: happy new year, hope the jaw/tooth thing and your new job are going well.

Thanks for the review. I hope my comments to the others have been ok so far.

Everything is 0.5 felt, and there's 8 more of them in the mail right now. They just kept running out and going to hell -- is there any way to save them when they go bad? It's getting obnoxious -- I got 5 pages out of one of them. Staedlers brand. Thinking to try some other brands (Sakura, etc)

Will run the cylinders in parallel with the next set. Thanks so much!

Jackson622 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2017-01-05 01:59

Lesson 3, Complete for review:


Here goes something...! Thanks.

Jackson622 in the post "A big thanks to all of you who've been answering questions on /r/ArtFundamentals!"

2016-12-02 01:31

Question RE: the new reddit structure...

How do you think it is going so far? Is it accomplishing what you intended in terms of lowering your work load? Are the posts how you want them to be / thought they would be?

One piece of unsolicitated feedback / opinion is I don't like how your material and posts have gotten buried, particularly the lesson posts. It's not hard to find, but still of note. Is there any merit in having weekly threads for public feedback and/or "lesson specific threads" for public feedback (similar to what you were doing before, if that makes sense?). Edit: and one other area I'm interested in your opinion...most people are submitting to the lessons, but a few threads haven't, some are clearly jumping ahead, seem to have not read/understood the lessons, etc. Do you consider this an acceptable use of the new format?

Jackson622 in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-29 20:15

Congrats on the success of this subreddit / your site. I'll be joining the group on the other side whether through Patreon or via paypal.

One thought I had which may have been covered already in the ~80 posts, but have you done some kind of analysis to determine that the $3 price point is going to successfully accomplish what you are shooting for? The sense I get by reading through quickly is most everyone will be paying the $3, which means the workload may not be going down after all.

Said another way, would it be better to screen people out at a higher point (say $5 or whatever) to see what happens, then backing off if needed to generate the income/traffic you want, vs. going $3 now and potentially having to raise it in the near term?

I'm no business guy, and maybe you've already thought about it. Just a minor contribution to consider. I hope you are taking some pride in this whole thing, it's quite interesting and amazing.

PS Hope your healing/recovery is going well.