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ideeeyut in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-12-05 21:42

Thanks. I guess I did miss that. Should I try to do the Cylinder Challenge before doing Lesson 3? Do them both in tandem?

ideeeyut in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-12-05 00:14

Hello again. I finally finished lesson 2. The intersections were fun. Thanks for your critique.


ideeeyut in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-11-15 23:37

Wow. It seems like it took me forever to do this. I think I've started it three times. Finally got to 250.


Self critique:

Accuracy. I have a problem when I my hand gets in the way of the end point. Also maybe I should try putting dots down before I draw the line so I know exactly where to start and stop.

Speed. I need to not go so fast. When I slow down, the ends line up better than when I rush it.

Line weight. Maybe I need to switch pens. I feel that the line weight isn't very noticeable.

Thanks in advance for your critique. These are very challenging but a lot of fun as well.

ideeeyut in the post "A demo I did for a student about the importance of using simple forms when trying to convey solidity"

2016-11-08 17:45

Thanks! Hopefully I can get these boxes done one day. =)

ideeeyut in the post "A demo I did for a student about the importance of using simple forms when trying to convey solidity"

2016-11-08 16:28

You mention pressure control on this. Are there any exercises for working on this? I'm going through the draw 250 boxes challenge and honestly the line weight/pressure really bothers how I view my boxes. I never feel like they look good.

ideeeyut in the post "State of the Union - September vacation, and dealing with the overwhelming number of homework submissions"

2016-08-23 14:00

As a Patreon supporter that has only submitted one assignment so far I know how hard it is to juggle a working life with any kind of outside activities. I, as many others I'm sure, sincerely appreciate all of the content you have produced as well as the time you have spent doing critiques. Thank you!

ideeeyut in the post "Nathan Aardvark - A lot of great (free) daily tips/tricks that you should all check out"

2016-01-19 19:18

Thanks for sharing. Are there rss feeds for these posts? I've looked around on both yours and this one and don't seem to see any. It would be nice to know when there are new updates in my rss reader.

Thanks for all of the lessons/tips!