Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Nathan Aardvark - A lot of great (free) daily tips/tricks that you should all check out


2016-01-18 17:11



2016-01-18 17:26

These are great, thanks for sharing!


2016-01-18 18:00

Irshad, thanks for the share buddy. I'll link to your Patreon in my post today, which should get at least 10k reach on facebook :)


2016-01-18 18:35

That's great to hear. There's so many great resources on the internet, it's too bad it's so hard for people to find them! I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw your page, I went "HISSS COMPETITION," before I thought about it for a second and figured open sharing is probably the best policy.


2016-01-18 22:20

haha! Me too...! But then i thought, if we're putting it out for free, we can hardly see each other as competition, haha! Maybe collaboration would be a more interesting route? ;) Anyway, I feel pretty small in this grand tutorial arena - I've only just started so I feel very green, on day 18 of daily tutorials. Plus, they are very random, I don't really have a well thought out direction. I guess I'm trying the more "daily inspiration" sort of thing. More for people who just want a quick daily fix. :) I will definitely go through your tutorials though, and steal borrow from you ;) Feel free to do the same to any of mine, if any of them seem new or fresh! :) :) Great to have met you, would love to meet in real life too. Are you in LA? I visit now and then, more likely to spend time in SF, though.


2016-01-18 22:23

I think it's a really interesting take, to have little tastes here and there. The structured approach drawabox uses definitely has benefits when dealing with beginners, but once you start looking at more experienced artists, the things they want to learn tends to spread out considerably, making a buffet more desirable. In that sense, we're not really competing with each other, but rather covering different bases.

Unfortunately I only lived in LA for six months while I was studying at Concept Design Academy. At the moment I'm living in Halifax, Canada.


2016-01-18 22:31

Agreed about the buffet thing. Actually, I'd really love to put a book together at the end of the year, when I've produced all this material, and that would be a great title - Art Tutorial Buffet! :)

I'm in Eugene OR, so yeah, kind far. But hey, as I'm so new (new to America also) I'd love to bump into you at a convention or something. Are you likely to be gracing any this coming year?


2016-01-18 22:33

Chances are slim! Things are pretty busy at work, and I don't generally travel too much. I'll be sure to let you know though if I happen to be in the area in the future.


2016-01-19 13:45

Here's a Graph of your Patreon Campaign updated daily


2016-01-19 13:49

I actually stumbled upon that a couple months ago - it's really incredible! Feels like the sort of thing Patreon should already have within its own UI, but it's good to know there's third party tools like this.


2016-01-19 13:45

Here's a Graph of your Patreon Campaign updated daily


2016-01-19 19:18

Thanks for sharing. Are there rss feeds for these posts? I've looked around on both yours and this one and don't seem to see any. It would be nice to know when there are new updates in my rss reader.

Thanks for all of the lessons/tips!


2016-01-19 02:16

Thanks for the recommendation - a lot of helpful information there. :)


2016-02-01 16:21

I really like the book idea. Would buy.


2016-04-27 23:19

Everyone has different perspectives and expertise. Therefore, leads to more people being able to enjoy learning and becoming a more confident artist. I will say my issue was always contour lines. Bane of my existence.