Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-02-02 22:36

No bother. The payment was declining for some reason.

Should be working now.

GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-01-30 21:13

I really enjoyed doing this Lesson. Every animal was one I really wanted to do. Elephants interest me greatly. I even squeezed in a few dinosaurs towards the end (who doesn't like dinosaurs?)


I started off shaky but picked up a bit after the 2nd page of the Rabbits and Hares, I feel. The Panther was a difficult one for some reason.

GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-12-10 19:20

Lesson 4 stuff;


I figured you'd want to see the more recent stuff rather than my earlier drawings, there's quite a lot of them.

These here I drew in relation to the critique you gave me from Lesson 3. Hopefully I've learned my lessons. :)

Some of these I'm satisfied with, others not so satisfied.

My grasshopper didn't turn out well, but I'm very satisfied with my Wolf Spider and my first House Fly.

Thanks for looking over my stuff. :)

GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-11-20 20:08

I'll keep my future stuff at 1 or 2 sketches per page at most. Drawing smaller makes it noticeably worse.

No lined paper. Got it. :)

I do really need to be more careful with my marks. It's so easy to throw down lines. I'll keep it closer to minimum anymore, instead of adding more and more.

Thanks for the critique. Will get to work on Lesson 4, for a week or two.

GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-11-18 20:54

My Lesson 3 stuff here;


I found potato plants to be quite irritating at the time, but found it very relaxing doing the flowering plants.

Looking forward to feedback. :D


I'll go back over anything if need be. I feel there's bits and pieces I can improve upon now than back then.

GreenInterest16 in the post "Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: Nothing Can Defeat Failure"

2017-10-31 19:48

I hope to see baby failure in future iterations. XD

I do always love this comics, they serve as a good esteem boost. :)

GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-10-18 06:55

Understood. I'll take a pause for a week or 2. The impatience is killing me. XD

To be truthful though, at the start I didn't think I'd need these critiques. I was a bit overconfident in my own work. It took until Lesson 4 to realize that.

I'll revise the Lesson 3 stuff over the next week or 2, and correct any errors I suspect I may find in them.

Thanks again. :)

GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-10-17 09:37

I've been informed of my inability to follow instructions properly in the past too. Something I'll need to work on. XD

Here's all 250 boxes with corrections, the 2 pages of organic forms and the 2 pages of form intersections. I made sure to follow my centre-line, and keep to the minor axes, aswell as drawing through the ellipses (which proved kind of messy. I'll have to do half a page of ellipses each session, just to get it into my head).

The form intersections I have here too. Drew through all of the boxes, and hardened the sillouetted lines as instructed in the notes.


Sorry for stacking some of the boxes. I wanted to fit more per-page. I realize now that that's what is done in Lesson 2. Hope it's of little annoyance.

I was considering uploading these with my Lesson 3 stuff as I did with the previous Lesson but I didn't realize there was so much that needed fixing. Hopefully that's all resolved now. :)

GreenInterest16 in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-10-16 15:33

My Lesson 2 stuff here for critique;


Again, let me know if anything needs reworking, I done these some time ago. Also the 250-Cylinder Challenge I done is in there too.

Thanks. :)

Also here's the last couple of pages from my 250-box challenge I was tasked to do;


Turns out thickening the visible outer-edges really does make a difference.