Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: Nothing Can Defeat Failure


2017-10-28 20:15



2017-10-28 21:07



2017-10-28 21:08

Hahaha, I'm glad you think so :P

..this is how i view all my students.


2017-10-29 00:13

Expect for me. The chicken!


2017-10-29 15:51

I love his little butt-fold


2017-10-29 03:44

Inspiring! I like it


2017-10-29 23:11

I'm on the rotated boxes right now, I feel like this was made for me.


2017-10-30 01:17

Oh but it was! You and everyone else who struggles with the rotated boxes (which is just about everyone) but feels the need to nail it down before moving on. Some of these exercises are just meant to be about getting you to think a different way, rather than expecting any kind of success. The exercises are just tools, their perfection is not necessarily my goal.


2017-10-31 19:48

I hope to see baby failure in future iterations. XD

I do always love this comics, they serve as a good esteem boost. :)


2017-11-02 01:12

How long does it take you to draw a comic like this?


2017-11-02 01:25

It's kind of hard to track, but every time it's more than I'd have expected. Lately I've been doing a shit ton of overtime at work, so when I get home in the evening and try to work a little more on the comic, I'm either distracted or tired. Probably took a week and a half of that to do this one, but were I focused with no job or homework critiques to worry about.. Maybe a day or two? Perhaps three.


2017-11-02 01:29

So... on the order of 20 hours? They are beautiful.


2017-11-02 01:39

That sounds about right, though considering what goes into them it should be much much less. I like the way they turn out, but I'm used to illustrations and digital paintings, where the end result feels more... I don't know. Just, more! But I'm glad you and everyone else likes them so much!


2017-11-02 18:14

Nice advice.


2017-11-02 18:15

You should probably start running.


2017-11-02 22:55

I can imagine 3d boxes but i haven't quite completed the rotated box challenge. Brb gonna do it 10 times over.


2017-11-04 06:57



2017-11-04 06:59

Takes off his belt