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Feorious in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-08-11 06:17

Ok, I wasn't sure if I was going to do these today but I had the energy so gotta use it up while I can.

p.s sorry about the crumpled paper, we had a misunderstanding but have since sorted it out :P

p.p.s I must be tired afterall, I forgot the link http://imgur.com/a/aRmbc

Feorious in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-08-10 23:07

No worries I'll send you a message via patreon in a little bit, both names should be the same.

Feorious in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-08-10 06:07

It's been so long since I submitted my last homework and that's mostly my fault but over the last few weeks I finished this with the last page being done today. So here it is http://imgur.com/a/NKBUs

I focused on Australian native but there are no hooved quadrupeds so I did two that were introduced. I know Camels don't really have hooves though.

Feorious in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-05-13 23:41

thanks for the feedback and I totally agree with you. I felt I didn't really understand the first few lay-ins, I was trying to "see" the underlying forms but for some reason I just couldn't see it to get the shapes right. I almost felt I would have to have a physical insects and dissect it to understand it's shape as a lot of these bugs have a lot going on and I've never really looked at them so closely. With the 2nd part it felt a little better (with the ones I understood more) except for the ones I really didn't like drawing. Can't say this is my favourite subject and I think it shows which is a problem I'll have to get over personally. Also I'm still really scared of putting those first marks on paper down in case I stuff it up which in a lot of cases I'm doing anyway, not sure how to get over than other than to just draw more. I haven't been doing my warm-ups lately either so that probably isn't helping with line confidence.

Overall, I hear you! :D

I understand what you are saying and will do my best to correct the bad practices.

Greatly appreciate the feedback, it's nice to get constructive criticism. I wish more people would do that, it really helps and I can take the worst of it lol.

Feorious in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2015-05-13 05:27

Well, it took a while. I hate bugs so I put this off for longer than I should have. Doing the image searching was horrid, I tried to find insects that I could actually look at to draw. So this is my first foray into drawing insects http://imgur.com/a/IOsfE

Feorious in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-04-21 11:27

It took a while but I got the rest done today. http://imgur.com/a/cKqPf

I imagine there is a whole lot I need to improve on. This really pushed my comfort zone which is good. Although I think I need a lot of practice. Honestly I've never drawn plants before ><

Feorious in the post "Announcement: YouTube Videos"

2015-03-09 03:30

Thanks, subscribed. I have yet to start the first lesson, should be doing it later today :)